TM 55-1510-220-MTF
Firewall shutoff valve circuit breakers (left and right) - In.
Crossfeed valve switch - Set alternately to left and right system. Check that FUEL
CROSSFEED annunciator light illuminates, and that the #1 and #2 FUEL
PRESS annunciator lights are extinguished.
Crossfeed valve switch - OFF.
*e. Fuel quantity indicators - Check as follows:
(1) Fuel quantity indicator selector switch - MAIN.
(2) Fuel quantity indicators - Compare indication. With full fuel tanks, left and right fuel quantity
indicators must indicate within 82 pounds of each other with fuel quantity indicator selector switch
set to MAIN.
(3) Fuel quantity indicator selector switch - AUXILIARY.
(4) Fuel quantity indicators - Compare indication. With full fuel tanks, left and right fuel quantity
indicators must indicate within 35 pounds of each other with fuel quantity indicator