TM 5-6630-218-10
Chapter 2.0 Operating Instructions
2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains information on collecting and testing aviation fuel for
solid contaminants using the Particulate Contaminants Test (as outlined in
Section 2.3), for specific gravity using the API Gravity Test (as outlined in Section
2.4), and for free water content using the Undissolved Water Test (as outlined in
Section 2.5).
2.1.1 Applicable Documents
ASTM D 1298-85 - Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density
(Specific Gravity) or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum
products by Hydrometer method.
ASTM D 2276-88 - Standard Test, Method for Particulate
Contamination in Aviation Fuel.
ASTM D 3240-86a - Standard Method of Test for Undissolved Water in
Aviation Turbine Fuels.
ASTM D 3830-79 - Standard and Practice for Filter Membrane Color
Ratings or Aviation Turbine Fuels.
Aviation Turbine Fuel Contamination Standards Booklet (XX6403785)
included in the Aviation Fuel Contaminant Test Kit.
2.2 Aviation Fuel Sample
The aviation fuel sample is the sample required for colormetric and
gravimetric Particulate Contaminant Test Procedure--ASTM D 2276- 88 the API
Gravity Test Procedure--ASTM D 1298-85 and the Undissolved Water Test
Procedure--ASTM D 3240-86a.