c. Remove nuts (15), washers (16) and bolts (17)
Remove bolts (20) to release ends of short cables of
front and rear boom cables (21 and 22) from top tube
from slotted ends of boom brace (26), and remove cable
clamp half.
from slots.
d. Disconnect cable assemblies from inboard
(3) Remove four nuts (23) and washers (24)
from long bolts (25) securing boom brace (26) and
tube clamps, and remove tube clamps using figure 6-1
holding top and bottom tube clamp halves (28 and 29)
and the following steps as guides:
together. Remove bolts (25), boom brace (26), links
(1) If boom support strut (15, fig. 4-2) is not
(27), top and bottom tube clamps halves, and two ring
halves (30) from boom tube (32).
step a (2) (f).
e. Remove plug (31) from end of boom tube (32).
(19) from short bolts (20) on top tube clamp half (28).
(2) Place top tube clamp half (12 or 28) over
6-4. Cleaning
ring half on top of tube, and bottom tube clamp half (13
or 29) over ring half on bottom side of tube.
Clean boom tubes thoroughly to remove buildup of
(3) Place four long bolts (10 or 25) through
tube clamp halves from top side. The bolts on outboard
of all nozzle attachment holes, and of tube end fittings.
side of tube clamps go through one hole of links (11 or
Clean threads of nipples, elbows, and nozzles. Clean
(4) On inboard tube clamps only, install boom
brace (26) under bottom tube clamp half (29).
6-5. Inspection
Inspect all components of the spray boom
assembly. Check all threaded parts for crossed or
Long arm of boom brace faces forward
otherwise damaged threads. Check boom tubes (32, fig.
6-1) and tube clamp halves (12, 13, 28
and 29) for
(5) Secure components with washers (9 or
cracks, bends, or distortion. Check cables (4, 21, and
24) and nuts (8 or 23).
22) for damage, fraying, or corrosion. Check cable ends
e. Attach front and rear boom cable assemblies
and slots in boom brace (26) for damage. Discard any
(21 and 22) to upper tube clamp halves (12 and 28)
parts which are not usable.
noting the following:
(1) Overall length of front boom cable (21) is
6-6. Assembly
about 1 inch longer than length of rear boom cable (22).
(2) Place long boom cable in slots in boom
Assemble the spray boom assemblies using figure
brace (26). Hold in place by inserting bolts (17) from top
6-1 and the following steps as
down, and secure with washers (16) and nuts (15).
a. Assemble nozzles (16, fig. 4-2) as described in
(3) Attach long and short boom cables to
outer holes in upper tube clamp halves (12 or 28) Insert
b. Install nozzles into boom tube as described in
short bolts (7 or 20) from top down, and secure with
washers (6 or 19) and nuts (5 or 18). On forward side of
c. Install plug (31, fig. 6-1), into end of boom tube
each top tube clamp (12 and 28). The bolts pass through
links (11 or 27).
d. Attach tube clamp assemblies to boom tube.
Attach upper boom support cable (4) to
Locate tube clamp assemblies between 18th and 19th,
outboard tube clamp upper half (12). Use bolt (3),
and between 4th and 5th nozzles from outboard (plug)
washer (2), and nut (1) to secure.
end of boom tube. Using the following steps as a guide:
(1) Place ring halves (14 or 30) on top and
bottom of tube.