(1) Adjust boom cables as described in
secondary diaphragm (7) and end cap assembly (5) on
(2) Replace nozzles as described in
nozzle body assembly (8), and secure with retainer (4),
handtight only.
replacing spray tips (as described in para 4-5, step
b (2)).
Teflon diaphragm (7) goes against body rubber
diaphragm (6) against end cap assembly.
(b) Insert strainer assembly (3) and
Use air at maximum pressure of 25 psig.
spray tip (2) into nozzle body assembly (8), and secure
Avoid splashing insecticide fluid onto skin or
handtight with cap (1).
into eyes. Observe precautions for handling
poisonous fluids by flushing exposed areas
Center Boom
with clean, running water.
Wash hands
thoroughly with soap and water after
located within tank support assembly (133), beneath the
handling and before eating or smoking.
tank assembly (125). Nuts on tube ends connect to
(4) Disassemble, clean, and inspect nozzles using
spray booms. Tubes are welded to the strainer body.
Large elbow (75) is connected to hose (42) from
(a) Unscrew cap (1) from nozzle body
control valve assembly (47). Small elbow (76) connects
assembly (8).
hose to pressure gage on manual control panel (58).
(b) Remove spray tip (2), and strainer
The strainer body contains screen assembly
assembly (3).
Spray flow is strained and divided to the
(c) Depress spring on nozzle body
two spray booms in the strainer body.
assembly (8) and unscrew retainer (4).
b. Maintenance
(d) Remove end cap assembly (5),
(1) Inspect fluid connections, welded joints, cap (78), and
secondary diaphragm (7), and diaphragm (6) from nozzle
gasket (79) for leakage. (2) Remove and clean or
body assembly (8).
replace strainer and gasket, using figure 4-9 and the
(e) Clean parts by sloshing in clear,
following steps as guides:
running water (following use in water-base spray fluid) or
(a) Remove strainer cap (78), gasket
mineral oil (following use with oil-base spray fluid).
(79), and screen assembly (80) from body or center
boom (81).
(f) Inspect parts, and replace damaged
Square plug in center of tap normal) does not
need to be removed.
(b) Clean, inspect, and repair strainer
the following steps as guides:
screen and gasket in the manner described in paragraph
(c) Replace screen assembly (80) in
Do not overtighten nozzle parts.
body of center boom (81), and secure with gasket (79)
(a) Place rubber diaphragm (6), teflon
and cap (78).
combining the two following steps:
Pump Broke Cable
a. General. The pump brake cable assembly (11,
secure cable to bracket (106). Secure jam nuts firmly
fig. 4-9) is
enclosed within a
protective sheath over
after adjustment.
much of its length. The cable is attached to the brake
lever on the manual control panel (58) and is routed out
in direction required to tighten or loosen the cable.
to the pump and brake assembly (19). When actuating
c. Removal.
the brake lever, the cable applies or releases the pump
brake and thereby controls pump operation.
Observe routing and attachment points of brake
b. Maintenance and Adjustment.
cable as an aid to assembly.
cable for proper tension. With brake on, linkage at brake
(1) Remove cotter pin, washer, and clevis
should be slightly slack, and the windmill must not be
free to turn. With brake off, windmill must be free to turn,
with no brake drag.
Adjustment may be made by