Using the Gr6und Loading Unit (GLU) to pump the flushing fluid will be sufficient to clean out that unit, its hoses
and connectors. Again, #2 diesel fuel shall be used for the final rinse.
Aircraft surfaces shall be rinsed with water or wiped with # diesel depending on the chemical involved.
ORANGE, particularly shall NOT be allowed to remain on painted surfaces.
For the purposes of this manual the following definitions are established:
1. WORK RATE (acres/min. ) is the amount of area traversed per unit of time based on the
forward speed of the vehicle and the effective swath width.
2. FLOW RATE (gal/min) is the total volume of agent dispensed by the spray system per unit
of time.
3. APPLICATION RATE (gal/acre) is the volume of agent dispensed per area traversed. It is
obtained by dividing the FLOW RATE by the WORK RATE.
4. DEPOSIT RATE (gal/acre) is the volume of agent deposited on a target per unit area of the