The data concerning application rates have been quickly obtained using methods acceptable to the urgency of the
requirement fur information. Many variables are at play in calibrating spray systems some of which are not always
amenable to being controlled. Swath widths, for instance, by the sampling procedure used may inherently have a plus or
minus variation of 10 feet. Therefore, the data are presented for guidance until such time as further information is
These calibration runs were all performed as near inwind as conditions permitted and are, therefore, generally as
narrow as could be obtained. Operational conditions will seldom approach those used for calibration and in most cases it
can be expected that operational swaths may be somewhat wider than those indicated. Also, the calibration data are
based on spray droplet collection and qualitative assessment. On the other hand operational swath width will be judged
The information provided for agent WHITE is wholly estimated and has not been derived from tests. Procedures
are described in this Section 4 for deriving actual flow performance for this agent during use in the field,
Herbicide Performance Data
The performance data for BLUE and ORANGE herbicide agents presented herein have been developed from
preliminary flight tests to provide immediate guidance for the military user.
Its initial use will provide satisfactory
application results and provide a basis from which refinements can be developed as field experience and environment