TM 1-8415-216-12&P
7. Fasten and adjust the chinstrap.
8. Lower visors to check centering and nose clearance. If necessary, adjust the
visor as follows:
a. Adjust the visor using the downstop locking screws; one is located on each
side of the visor. (Loosening the screws allows the downstop to be raised
or lowered approximately one inch for visor-to-mask or facial conformance.)
b. When the desired position is attained, tighten the screws.
Adjust the nape strap pad for the closest fit
possible by tightening or loosening the nape
straps. Check the fit of the nape strap pad
with your index finger.
Ask the operator/wearer to evaluate the fit.
If a pressure point exists in the center of
the forehead, refer to Figure 4-9 and add
headband fitting pads (1) between the
lining, helmet, shock (TPL) and the lining,
helmet, shock (EAL) to either side of the
pressure point to even the pressure. If any
pressure point remains, lining, helmet,
shock (TPL) custom fitting may be required.
Refer to paragraph 4-12.
Figure 4-9. Headband Fitting Pads
If fit is too loose, try a smaller-size helmet
and repeat steps 3 through 10.
If the operator/wearer cannot be fitted per fitting instructions, contact
United States Army Aviation Research Laboratory (USAARL).
Repeat steps 7 through 10 for a final fit check.
If optical systems (ANVIS goggles, AH-1 sight) are used, place systems in
normal operating position and check for full operational capability in accordance
with TM 11-5855-263-10 for ANVIS goggles and TM 9-1270-212-14&P for
AH-1 sight.
If M43 CB mask is worn, remove helmet and mask. Don helmet without mask
and repeat steps 3 through 13.
After first flight, recheck and adjust as necessary helmet straps, lining, helmet,
shock (TPL), and earcups.
For aircrews operating flying gunships, the AH-1 boresight must be
adjusted by the armament technician after the initial fitting, every
120 days thereafter (during preventive maintenance), and after any
maintenance has been performed on the weapons fire control system.