TM 1-8415-215-12&P
3-3. Basic Fitting Procedure.
In preparation for fitting procedure, females with long hair should arrange their hair as they plan to wear it
during flights.
Select proper helmet size and proceed as follows:
1. Don helmet, tighten nape strap, fasten chinstrap, and adjust earcups as required. Distance from eyebrow to shell
should be approximately 3/4" when helmet is properly seated on head. If helmet fits but rear hanger tab of retention
assembly is too long and chafes against neck, trim tab to proper length. Earcups can be rotated within retention
assembly to improve fit to ear, if required. Ensure ears are centered in earcups.
2. Earseals should be compressed to the greatest degree possible without causing discomfort. For maximum earseal
compression, helmet cross straps can be tightened. Two cross straps are located behind each earcup; each cross strap
has a buckle. To tighten the cross strap, slide the buckle toward the bottom of the shell. Don helmet and check it.
3. If earseals are not sufficiently compressed when cross straps are tightened, earcup spacer pads may be added as
required behind each earcup. Spacer pads may be cut to any size or shape necessary to achieve maximum
4. Lower visors to check operation and nose clearance.
5. Check for hot spots or pressure points. If none are present, remove helmet, mark helmet with crewmember's
identity, and store as required.
6. If helmet does not fit properly, i.e. it has hot spots or pressure points or fit is too tight or too loose, remove helmet.
Repeat steps 1-6 using the next size larger or smaller helmet, as appropriate, if available. It may be necessary to
remove one or more inner plastic layers from the TPL to achieve an optimum fit. Refer to TPL Removal/Installation,
Paragraph 3-6. A minimum of two layers should be retained to meet performance requirements. If a proper fit can not
be obtained, request authorization for custom fitting procedures from the Flight Surgeon.