TM 1-1510-225-CL
g. Adjust transponder and radar as required.
h. Complete flight log during flight and note
altitudes and headings.
i. Note departure time.
j. Retract gear and flaps as indicated.
4. TOLD card Review.
a. Takeoff power.
b. V1/Vr.
c. V2 + 10 KIAS (climb to 1500 feet AGL).
d. V2/Vyse.
1. Weather/altimeter setting.
2. Airfield/facilities Review.
a. Field elevation.
b. Runway length.
c. Runway condition.
3. Approach procedure Review.
a. Approach plan/profile.
b. Altitude restrictions.
c. Missed approach.
(1) Point.
(2) Time.
(3) Intentions.
d. Decision height or MDA.
e. Lost communications.