TM 1-1510-225-10
To prevent electromagnetic radiation in
ramp, terminal, taxiway, or other areas
occupied by personnel, operate radar only
in STANDBY mode.
Pilot entry keyboard ON / OFF Switch must
be in OFF position whenever keyboard is
being connected to, or being disconnected
from, aircraft connector.
Do not operate radar system, even in
STANDBY Mode, without 115-Vac, 400-Hz
power applied to the system. Without ac
blower will not operate, which could result
(14) Keyboard Operation. After turning on the
radar, set the rotary switch on the Data NAV Control
1. Slide keyboard ON / OFF Switch to
2. Use PAGE buttons and LINE push
buttons, if necessary, to place cursor
on PILOT INPUT line of index.
3. Set rotary switch to EMER LIST
position to display PILOT INPUT
(15) Page Sequencing. The PAGE push
button must be used to advance to each page of the
pilot input and to cycle back to the first page. All
keyboard actions are limited to the currently displayed
page. There is no automatic paging to the previous or
next page with cursor movement or by means of the
®, ¬, or CR keys.
(16) Mode Assignment. By use of the
keyboard MODE key, a mode can be chosen for each
pilot-input page. For instance, the pilot can select
Data Entry mode for page 1; advance to page 2 and
select Data Entry mode; and advance to page 3 and
select Calculator mode for page 3. The mode
assignment is retained for each page as page
advancing occurs.
When power is first applied to the radar system,
the pilot-input pages are cleared and each page is set
to the data entry mode, unless data has previously
been entered, in which case the memory is preserved
and not cleared. Successively pressing the MODE
key alternates the mode between data entry and
(17) Exit And Return To Keyboard Operation.
Checklist operation can be resumed by setting the
rotary switch to NORM INDEX / NORM LIST / EMER
INDEX. When keyboard operation is again selected,
the screen returns to the same display conditions that
prevailed prior to leaving the keyboard operation.
To clear the screen, enter the calculator
mode and press the CLR key. This two-key
operation is a deliberate requirement to
avoid an accidental clearing of the screen.
(18) Detailed Operation. The keyboard unit
can be operated in two modes: data entry and
calculator. In the data entry mode, the unit is
essentially used as a typewriter; press a key and the
key symbol is displayed on the screen. In the
performed and the results saved.
(19) Data Entry Mode. Data can be entered in
columns 2 through 21 on lines 3 through 12. This
data-entry region contains a maximum of 10 lines with
20 characters per line. Data is entered at the location
on the screen where the cursor is positioned. When
keyboard operation is selected, the first pilot-input
page is displayed with the cursor positioned to column
2, line 3.
The keyboard cursor displays only in the data
entry mode. It is a small horizontal blue line where
there are no characters, but when it resides on a
character, it changes the color of the character to blue.
Pressing any of the alphabetic, numeric, comma,
period, dash, or space keys, will make that character
display in the cursor position and the cursor will
advance to the next character location on the line. If
the cursor was in the last location of a line, it will
advance to the start of the next line in the data entry
region. If the cursor was in the last location of the last
line, it will advance to the start of the first line in the
data entry-region.
Each time the ® key is pressed, the cursor is
advanced to the next location. Each time the ¬ key is
pressed, the cursor is backspaced to the previous
location. If the cursor was at the start of a line, it will
backspace to the last location of the previous line. If
the cursor was at the start of the first line in the data
entry region, it will backspace to the last location on
the last line.