TM 1-1510-225-10
u. FMS1 Data Loader Operation.
(1) Data Loader Operation Overview. The
FMS-800 data loader provides an interface to data
cartridges for data storage and retrieval capability.
The data loader and cartridge allows the crew to
perform the following functions:
1. Load preplanned flight plans and
preset information, as well as other
flight data.
2. Save selected flight data, including
system status information.
3. Access the ICAO identifier database.
4. Load a 200 waypoint user waypoint
The current magnetic variation tables can be
loaded on the data cartridge and automatically
transferred to the CDU nonvolatile memory upon
installation of the cartridge into the data loader. If this
file already exist in CDU memory, the FMS-800 will
compare the new file to the existing file and determine
which one is the most current. If the new file is the
most current the FMS-800 will overwrite the old files.
Access to data cartridge files is performed from
the data loader pages or the start 3 page. Points from
the ICAO identifier database can be requested from
any page where waypoint entry is permitted. Refer to
Figure 3B-131 and Table 3B-95 for a description of
how to access and use the Data Loader pages.
(2) Loading Flight Data. The following data
can be loaded from the data cartridge, if available.
1. Any one of 40 alternate flight plans
with a maximum of 60 waypoints
2. Markpoint and User Waypoint lists.
3. GPS almanac data.
4. Fifty-two V/UHF Communication radio
presets, HAVE QUICK II MWOD, and
FMT lists.
5. Navigation
ILS/LOC frequencies).
6. Airport communication frequencies.
Most of these files can be loaded individually on
the Data Loader pages.
Figure 3B-131. Data Loader Page Access and
Table 3B-95. Data Loader Page Access and
Pressing function key IDX will access the
index page.
Access the Data Loader pages.
Saves the fault history of all avionics
LRUs to the cartridge.
Saves the current GPS almanac data to
the cartridge.
Saves the communication radio preset
data to the cartridge.
Saves the markpoint and waypoint lists
to the cartridge.
Load markpoint and waypoint lists.
Load communication radio preset data
from the cartridge.
The 10-character data cartridge label.
Load the GPS almanac data and transfer
it to the GPS.