TM 1-1510-225-10
Figure 3B-120. Frequency and Anti-jam Preset
Page Access and Usage
Table 3B-83. Frequency and Antijam Preset
Page Access and Usage
To access the presets page(s) and
laterally scroll to the desired preset list
To access frequency preset page to
define preset.
Select to insert into scan list.
Select callsign for preset frequency.
Select frequency and modulation for
Select to tune to preset and return to
communication page.
(c) Maritime Channels.
To use a
maritime channel enter M and the channel number. If
the transmit frequency is to be the coast frequency
associated with that channel insert a C after the
channel number. If C is not entered, the ship
frequency will be used as the transmit frequency.
To switch radio tuning between ship and coastal
frequencies, enter an S (ship) or C (coast) into the
CDU scratchpad and press the CHAN line select key.
(d) V/UHF Scan Function. The FMS-
800/ARC-210 provide an ability to continuously scan
up to four communication frequencies for incoming
signals. To enable the ARC-210 scan function, access
the V/UHF control page and toggle the SCAN mode to
ON. SCAN: will replace the callsign field of the
communication page and the frequency field will
progressively scan through each of the four scan
frequencies entered on the V/UHF scan list page.
When the radio detects a signal on one of the scan
frequencies, RECV: will be displayed as long as a
signal is detected. The frequency on which the signal
was detected will be displayed in the frequency field.
To lock onto that frequency, press the RECV line
select key to toggle the channel to LOCKX. Repeat
pressing this line select key to recall former locked
scan frequencies. Up to three scan frequencies can
be recalled as locked frequencies. When the oldest
locked frequency is displayed, press the same line
select key again to return the radio to scan mode.
To enter the frequencies into the scan list,
access the preset pages from the Communication
page and laterally scroll to the V/UHF Scan List page.
Refer to Figure 3B-121 and Table 3B-84. The first
scan frequency is the scan transmit frequency, i.e., the
frequency on which the radio will transmit, if keyed
while scanning. Access the Scan Preset page by
selecting the right line select key corresponding to the
scan list item; and, like on the Frequency Preset page,
assign a frequency and callsign to the scan list item.
On the Frequency Presets pages, transfer presets
from the V/UHF Presets pages to the scan list by
accessing the V/UHF Preset xx page of the desired
preset and press the SCAN INSR line select key. The
V/UHF Scan List page will be displayed with INSERT
PRESET AT? in the scratchpad. Press any of the four
left line select keys to insert the frequency preset into
the scan list.
(e) V/UHF Airport Frequency Selection.
To tune the radio to airport frequencies stored on the
data cartridge access the V/UHF Airport Frequency
page. The V/UHF Airport Frequency page maybe
accessed from the Communication page by entering a
valid airport identifier and then pressing the line select