TM 1-1510-225-10
Table 3B-45. Alternate Flight Plan Leg A Page
Insert leg TAS ( resets to previous leg).
Top Of Climb (TOC) location within current
Insert leg TO waypoint.
Outbound bearing of FROM / TO waypoint.
Insert leg FROM waypoint (leg 01 only).
The zero fuel weight entry is used to calculate
the gross weight of the aircraft on the ground with fuel
loaded and the gross weight remaining after each leg
is flown as indicated on the Alternate Flight Plan B
page. Refer to Figure 3B-62 and Table 3B -46.
Figure 3B-62. Alternate Flight Plan Leg B Page
Table 3B-46. Alternate Fligh Plan Leg B Page
Insert planned time of arrival (* indicates
quantity has been inserted; all other times
calculated from entered time).
Leg Estimated Time En Route (ETE).
Return to Alternate Flight Plan page.
Insert leg fuel burn rate.
Insert planned time of departure (first leg
(4) Alternate Flight Plan Fuel Summary. The
requirements for the alternate flight plan. Refer back
to Figure 3B-60. If no approach (APPR) fuel is
entered, no approach time is allocated. If an approach
fuel is entered, a standard 15-minute time allotment is
added to the total flight time, regardless of the amount
of fuel entered. If an initial total fuel has been entered
on the Fuel Init page, the EXTRA fuel is calculated by
subtracting the required (REQ) from the TOTAL. If an
EXTRA value is entered (in hours or kilo-pounds), the
required initial total fuel is calculated and shown as the
TOTAL. If an aerial refueling (ONLOAD) is entered at
a waypoint in the alternate flight plan, an EXTRA entry
is not permitted. With an ONLOAD fuel defined, the
initial total fuel is not automatically computed (fixed
entry), and EXTRA fuel is calculated from the initial
total fuel, ONLOAD fuel, fuel required, and total fuel
entered. The display of total and extra fuel summary
can be selected between total fuel quantity (klb) and
duration (hr).
(5) Entry and Display of Alternate Flight Plan
Legs. Unless entered by the crew, the default starting
point for the first leg is the current aircraft position from
the Start 1 page at the time a new plan is created.
Waypoints may be inserted and deleted on the Leg A
pages or on the Alternate Flight Plan Waypoints page,
in the same manner as for the active flight plan.
The bearing displayed on the Leg A page is the
outbound bearing from the starting waypoint for that
The Top Of Climb (TOC) readout appears on the
leg with the distance into that leg that the TOC is
planned to occur, given the average climb wind and
performance data entered on the Climb Initialization
distance from the origin of the Alternate Flight Plan
(AFP) to the current waypoint/distance from the
current waypoint to the end of the AFP, or total leg
distance for the current displayed leg.
If time and /or fuel calculations are desired, enter
the True Airspeed (TAS) and forecast wind at the
cruising altitude on this page. A TAS or wind entry on
this page will transmit from the current displayed
waypoint to all succeeding waypoints when entered.
Insertion of a new waypoint will use the previous legs
wind and TAS entries. A blank wind will default to no
wind when in the alternate flight plan. Refer to
Paragraph 3B-19e(6)(b) for a description of waypoint
wind usage in flight planning.
Patterns (MFPs) may also be inserted or
attached to waypoints in the alternate flight plan.
When inserted or attached, a P is indicated on the
right side of line 3 and this also allows direct access to
that patterns definition page for review or modification.
(6) Entry and Display of Alternate Flight Plan
Leg Time, Fuel, And Weight. Scrolling laterally from
the Leg A page to the Leg B page, the pilot may enter
parameters to compute the time, fuel, and gross
weights for each leg.