TM 1-1510-225-10
The scaling of the lateral deviation display on the
HSI is determined by the selected FMS flight guidance
mode selected on the Navigation Configuration page,
Paragraph 3B -19.e.(6)(d) as follows:
1. En route. 4.0 nautical miles full-
scale (2 dots) linear deviation.
2. Oceanic. 4.0 nautical miles full-
scale (2 dots) linear deviation.
3. Terminal. 1.0 nautical miles full-
scale linear deviation.
4. Approach. 0.3 nautical miles full-
scale linear deviation.
The scaling of the vertical deviation display on the
HSI is also determined by the current flight mode.
5. Oceanic, En route, or Terminal.
1000 feet full-scale deflection.
6. Approach. 300 feet full-scale
If no flight plan active waypoint is present and
the navigation solution is valid, the HSI display will be
blank removing current guidance information. If the
navigation solution is invalid, the navigation source
indicator will be red. If the navigation solution is valid
but performance is degraded, the navigation source
indicator will be yellow.
Display values of course and desired track are shown for examples only.
Figure 3B-56. CDU Course Display and HSI Course (CDU Desired Track) Display