TM 1-1510-225-10
(a) OFF. The OFF position disables the
ART (antenna, receiver, and transmitter) power
supply. OFF is displayed below the NAV source
annunciator on the radar mode line.
(b) STBY. After 30 seconds in the
standby (STBY) mode the system is in a state of
readiness. No radar transmission occurs, and the
antenna is parked in the down position. STBY is
displayed below the NAV source annunciator on the
radar mode line, if a weather mode is selected.
(c) TST. Selecting the test (TST)
position causes the test pattern to be displayed on the
indicator, if a weather mode is selected. TEST will be
displayed below the NAV source annunciator on the
radar mode line.
If ON is selected, the radar antenna,
operational. However, if a weather radar
mode is not selected for display, the ART
will be placed in standby by the EFIS.
(d) ON. Selecting ON selects the
condition of normal operation, allowing for weather
detection or other modes of operation. Depending on
the selected mode of operation, Wx, WxA, or MAP will
be displayed below the NAV source annunciator on
the radar mode line.
(2) Weather Push-Button Mode Selector
Switch. The weather push-button mode selector
switch, placarded Wx, is used to select the weather
mode (Wx) when pressed. Wx will be displayed below
the NAV source annunciator on the radar mode line, if
a weather mode is selected.
(3) Weather
Selector Switch. The weather alert push-button mode
selector switch, placarded WxA, is used to select the
weather alert mode (WxA) when pressed. WxA will be
displayed below the NAV source annunciator on the
radar mode line, if a weather mode is selected.
(4) Ground Map Push-Button Mode Selector
Switch. The ground map push-button mode selector
switch, placarded GND MAP, is used to select the
ground mapping mode when pressed. MAP will be
displayed below the NAV source annunciator on the
radar mode line. The color magenta is not active in
the ground-mapping mode.
(5) Lightning
Selector Switch. The lightning push-button mode
selector switch, placarded with a lightning bolt, is used
to enable the lightning display when pressed, if a
weather mode is selected for display.
(6) Display Brightness Control. The display
brightness control, placarded BRT OFF, is used to
adjust display brightness.
(7) Tilt/Stabilization
stabilization control, placarded TILT UP / DN, PULL
STAB OFF, permits manual adjustment of antenna tilt
(15 up or down) to enable the pilot to analyze the
weather presentation. The tilt angle is displayed below
the NAV source annunciator on the radar tilt
annunciator line.
Pulling out on the tilt selector knob will turn radar
stabilization off. STAB OFF will appear on the radar
fault/warning line displayed below the NAV source
annunciator just under the antenna tilt annunciation
(8) Right And Left Track Controls. If the
weather only mode is selected, pressing the TRK
switch activates and slews a yellow dashed azimuth
line. It also activates a digital display showing the
number of degrees the azimuth line is located left or
right from the nose of the aircraft. In any other map
weather presentation, only the yellow dashed line will
be displayed.
(a) Track Control Operation In Vertical
Profile Mode. Prior to engaging VP, the appropriate
button (left or right) is used to place the track line at
the desired azimuth angle to be vertically scanned
(sliced). When VP is engaged, the slice will be taken
at the last position of the track line, whether it is visible
or not. If the track line has not been selected after
power has been applied to the system and VP is
engaged, the slice will be taken at 0 degrees (directly
in front of the aircraft).
When in VP mode, pressing the TRK switch will
change the selected azimuth two degrees left or right,
Continuously holding the TRK button will result in the
system slicing in 2-degree increments.
(9) Vertical
Selector Switch. Once the desired azimuth has been
selected with the TRK switch, pressing the vertical
profile push-button mode selector switch, placarded
VP, selects the vertical profile mode of operation, and
causes the vertical profile screen to appear. The
weather mode of operation (Wx, WxA, or GND MAP)
displayed in the lower left comer of the display will be
the same as existed just prior to selecting VP. To
select a different weather mode once in vertical profile,