TM 1-1510-225-10
Figure 3A-67. EFIS Weather Test Pattern (Typical, 120-Degree Scan)
The system always transmits in the ON
mode. It does not transmit in the OFF,
SBY, or TST modes but it does transmit in
the NAV MAP mode.
Do not operate during refueling of aircraft
or de-fueling operation within 100 feet
(30 meters).
Do not operate if personnel are standing
too close to the 240° forward sector of the
aircraft. Refer to Figure 3A-68.
Operating personnel should be familiar
with FAA AC 20-68B.
In the weather detection mode, precipitation
intensity levels are displayed in four colors, contrasted
against a deep black background. Areas of very
heavy rainfall will appear in magenta, heavy rainfall in
red, less severe in yellow, light rain in green, and little
or no rainfall in black (background). The correlation of
precipitation intensity and the color of displayed
weather is shown in Table 3A -3.
displayed in white, are provided to facilitate evaluation
of storm cells.