TM 1-1510-224-10
allowing fuel for start, taxi, runup, cruise climb and
descent, and 45 minutes fuel reserve.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
endurance in hours for full main and aux tanks, given
pressure altitude in feet and true airspeed in knots.
One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at
1700 RPM.
Description. The One Engine Inoperative
Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM tables (fig. 7-86
through 7-93) show fuel flow, airspeed, and torque for
various flight conditions.
Purpose. These tables are used to
determine fuel flow per engine, total fuel flow, indicated
airspeed, and true airspeed, given pressure altitude in
feet, indicated free air temperature and free air
temperature in degrees Celsius, aircraft weight in
pounds, and torque per engine in percent. During
operation with ice vanes extended, torque will decrease
approximately 6%, and true airspeed will be reduced by
approximately 10 knots.
Time, Fuel, and Distance to Descend.
Distance to Descend graph (fig 7-94) depicts the time,
fuel, and distance to descend.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the time, fuel, and distance required to descend, given
the beginning and ending pressure altitudes in feet.
Climb Balked Landing.
Description. The Climb Balked Landing
graph (fig. 7-95) depicts rate of climb to be expected
after a balked landing.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the rate of climb in feet per minute and climb gradient in
percent, given the free air temperature in degrees
Celsius, pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in
pounds. For operation with ice vanes extended, rate of
climb will be reduced by approximately 300 feet per
minute. Enter the graph at the pressure altitude from
which a go-around would be initiated.
Normal Landing Distance Flaps Down.
Distance Flaps Down graph (fig. 7-96) depicts normal
flaps down landing distance.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
flaps down landing distance, given free air temperature
in degrees Celsius, field pressure altitude, runway
gradient in % up or down, and head or tail wind
component in knots. The wind grids include factors of
50% for headwinds and 150% for tailwinds.
Components of reported winds may therefore be used
directly in the grids. Weight does not significantly affect
landing distance.
Landing Distance Flaps Up.
Description. The Landing Distance Flaps
Up graph (fig. 7-97) depicts landing distance with flaps
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
flaps up landing distance, given flaps down landing
distance. Landing with flaps full down is normal
procedure. Flaps up landings may produce tire speeds
and/or brake energies that exceed limitation. To
determine the flaps-up landing distance, read from the
Normal Landing Distance Flaps Down graph, the landing
distance appropriate to temperature, altitude, runway
gradient, and wind. Enter the subject graph with the
derived value, and read the flaps-up landing distance.
Landing Distance One Engine Inoperative Flaps
Description. The Landing Distance One
Engine Inoperative Flaps Down graph (fig. 7-98) depicts
one engine inoperative landing distance.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
one engine inoperative flaps down landing distance,
given the flaps down normal landing distance. To
determine the one engine inoperative landing distance,
read from the Normal Landing Distance Flaps Down
graph, the landing distance appropriate to temperature,
altitude, runway gradient, and wind. Enter the subject
graph with the derived value, and read the one engine
inoperative landing distance.
The following examples present calculations for flight
time, block speed, and fuel required for a proposed flight
from Billings, Montana, to Casper, Wyoming, at flight
level 250, using the conditions listed below, except as
noted. The desired takeoff weight is 16,000 pounds, if
Conditions. At Billings-Logan International (BIL):
Free Air Temperature....................................... 59F
Field Elevation .........................................3649 feet1