TM 1-1510-224-10
Maximum Take-Off Weight Flaps Approach As Limited
By Tire Speed graph for possible tailwind prohibitions.
Accelerate Stop Flaps Approach.
Description. The Accelerate-Stop 7 Flaps
Approach graph (fig. 7-27) depicts the distance required
to accelerate to V1 (takeoff decision speed) then stop.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the total runway length required to accelerate to V1
(takeoff decision speed), set power levers to ground fine
at V1, then use maximum braking (without sliding tires)
until the aircraft is stopped, given free air temperature in
degrees Celsius, field pressure altitude in feet, takeoff
weight in pounds, up or down runway gradient in %, and
head or tail wind component in knots. For operation with
ice vanes extended, increase distance by 5%. Consult
Maximum Take-Off Weight Flaps Approach As Limited
By Tire Speed graph for possible tailwind prohibitions.
Accelerate Go Flaps Approach.
Description. The Accelerate Go Distance
Over 50 Foot Obstacle Flaps Approach graph (fig.7-28)
depicts the total distance required to accelerate to
takeoff airspeed, have an engine failure, then continue
the takeoff until 50 feet above the runway.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the total distance required to accelerate to V1 (takeoff
decision speed), have an engine failure, then continue
the climb until 50 feet above the runway, given free air
temperature in degrees Celsius, field pressure altitude in
feet, takeoff weight in pounds, up or down runway
gradient in %, and head or tail wind component in knots.
For operation with ice vanes extended, increase
distance by 35%. Consult Maximum Take-Off Weight
Flaps Approach As Limited -By Tire Speed graph for
possible tailwind prohibitions.
Net Take-off Flight Path First Segment Flaps
Description. The Net Take-off Flight Path
First Segment Flaps Approach graph (fig. 7-29) depicts
the net climb gradient for the first segment of a one
engine inoperative climb.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the climb gradient in % for a one engine inoperative
climb from liftoff until the landing gear completes the
retraction cycle, given free air temperature in degrees
Celsius, field pressure altitude in feet, takeoff weight in
pounds, and head or tail wind in knots. For operation
with ice vanes extended, decrease net climb gradient by
1.0 percentage point.
Net Take-off Flight Path Second Segment
Flaps Approach.
Description. The Net Take-off Flight Path
Second Segment Flaps Approach graph (fig. 7-30)
depicts the net climb gradient for the second segment of
a one engine inoperative climb.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the climb gradient in % for a one engine inoperative
climb from completion of the landing gear retraction
cycle, until reaching 500 feet above the runway, given
free air temperature in degrees Celsius, field pressure
altitude in feet, takeoff weight in pounds, and head or tail
wind in knots. For operation with ice vanes extended,
decrease net climb gradient by 1.0 percentage point.
Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to
Third Segment Climb Flaps Approach.
Description. The Horizontal Distance from
Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb Flaps Approach
graph (fig. 7-31) depicts the horizontal distance traveled
to the third segment of a one engine inoperative climb.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the horizontal distance required for a one engine
inoperative climb from a point 50 feet above the runway
(reference zero) to a point where the third segment climb
has been reached, given free air temperature in degrees
Celsius, field pressure altitude in feet, takeoff weight in
pounds, and head or tail wind component in knots. For
operation with ice vanes extended, increase free air
temperature by 11 °C before entering graph.
Close-in Take-off Flight Path.
Description. The Close-in Take-off Flight
Path Flaps Approach graph (fig. 7-32) depicts the climb
gradient required to clear an obstacle within 1000 feet of
reference zero.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
net climb gradient in % required to clear an obstacle of
known height plus a desired margin of clearance, given
the horizontal distance of the obstacle from reference
zero in feet.
Distant Take-off Flight Path.
Description. The Distant Take-off Flight
Path Flaps Approach graph (fig. 7-33) depicts the climb
gradient required to clear an obstacle within 2.4 nautical
miles from reference zero.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
net climb gradient in % required to clear an obstacle of