TM 1-1510-224-10
Table 3-5. Digital Flight Control System Limits (Sheet 2 of 3)
Control or
Radio Altimeter
Capture Point
Function of beam rate and
course error.
Maximum trip point is 200 mV.
Minimum trip point is 60 mV.
NAV On Course
Roll Angle Limit
± 13° of roll
LOC or
APR or
Correction Limit
± 30° of course error
BC (cont)
Gain Programming
Starts at 1200 ft radio altitude,
gain reduction = 1 to 0.4
Glideslope Capture
GS Receiver,
Beam Capture
Function of beam and beam rate.
Air Data Computer
Pitch Command Limit
± 10°
Radio Altimeter
Glideslope Damping
Vertical Acceleration
Pitch Rate Limit
f (TAS)
Gain Programming
Starts at 1200 ft radio altitude,
gain reduction = 1 to 0.08.
Control Switch on
Fixed Pitch-Up,
8o pitch up
Wings Level
Pitch Sync
TCS Switch on Wheel
Pitch Altitude Command
± 20° maximum
ALT Hold
AIR Data Computer
ALT Hold Engage Range
0 to 41,000 ft
ALT Hold Engage Error
± 30 ft
Pitch Limit
+ 20
Pitch Rate Limit
f (TAS)
VS Hold
Air Data Computer
VERT Speed Engage
0 to ± 6000 ft/min
VERT Speed Hold
Engage Error
± 100 ft/min
Pitch Limit
± 20o
Pitch Rate Limit
f (TAS)
IAS Hold
Air Data Computer
IAS Engage Range
80 to 400 knots
IAS Hold Engage Error
± 5 knots
Pitch Limit
± 20o
Pitch Rate Limit
f (TAS)