TM 1-1510-223-10
the fixed miniature aircraft and the movable attitude
sphere. The inverted V shaped miniature aircraft
symbol is flown to align with the flight director command
cue in order to satisfy the commands of the selected
flight director mode.
(12) Marker beacon annunciator. Reception of a
marker beacon signal is indicated on the EADI by the
annunciator. Possible annunciations are outer marker
(0, blue), middle marker (M, amber), and inner marker
(I, white).
(13) Autopilot engagement annunciator. Auto-
pilot engagement is indicated on the EADI by an
annunciator placarded AP ENG (green).
(14) Radio altitude display. Radio altitude is pre-
sented by a four-digit display from -20 feet to 2500 feet
above ground level (AGL). Radio altitude is displayed in
blue numbers followed by RA in white letters. Display
resolution between 200 and 2500 feet AGL is in 10-foot
increments. Display resolution below 200 feet AGL is in
5-foot increments. The radio altitude display will
disappear from the EADI when radio altitude is above
2500 feet AGL
(15) Decision height annunciator. When radio
altitude is less than 100 feet above the selected decision
height, a white box will appear adjacent to the radio
altitude display. When the aircraft is at or below decision
height an amber DH annunciator will be illuminated
inside the white decision height display box on the EADL
(16) Rising runway radio altitude display. A
miniature rising runway symbol displays absolute
altitude reference above the terrain. The rising runway
appears at 200 AGL and contacts the aircraft symbol at
(17) Inclinometer. The inclinometer provides the
pilot with a display of aircraft slip or skid for coordinating
(18) Expanded localizer or rate-of-turn pointer
and scale. When the flight director navigation source is
other than a localizer frequency, rate-of-turn is displayed
by a pointer and scale on the EADL A standard-rate turn
(3 degrees per second) is indicated when the turn
needle is deflected until the needle covers the left or
right rate-of- turn scale mark. When the flight director
navigation source is a localizer frequency, the rate-of-
turn pointer an scale display will become an expanded
localizer pointer and scale display. The expanded
localizer pointer receives raw localizer data from the
navigation receiver. The expanded localizer pointer
becomes an extremely sensitive reference indicator of
aircraft position with respect to the center of the localizer
course. From the center of the expanded localizer scale
to the left or right scale index mark equals 33 feet
deviation from the center of the localizer course.
When back course (B3C) has been selected
on the flight director, or when the selected
course is more than 90 degrees from aircraft
heading, expanded localizer deviation will
automatically be reversed to provide proper
sensing with respect to the localizer centerline,
and amplification will be reduced by one half.
(19) Decision height display. Decision height is
displayed on the EADI by a three-digit display in blue
numbers followed by DH in white letters. Decision
heights may be set into the display by the decision
controller. Decision heights in the 0 to 200 foot range
are set into the display in 5-foot increments. Decision
heights in the 200 to 990 foot range are set into the
display in 10-foot increments.
(20) Air data command display. Flight director
air data command modes are vertical speed (VS) or
indicated air speed (IAS). When an air data command
mode has been selected on the flight director mode
selector panel, the command reference will appear on
the EADI in blue numbers below CMD in white letters.
The autopilot pitch wheel on the autopilot control panel
is used to change the air data command reference
number when operating in the VS or IAS mode. When a
vertical mode other than VS or IAS is selected, the air
data command display will disappear from the EADI.
(21) Pitch and roll command cue. The flight
director pitch and roll command cue displays the
computed commands required to capture and maintain
a desired flight path. The inverted V shaped miniature
aircraft symbol is flown to align with the flight director
command cue in order to satisfy the commands of the
selected flight director mode. The cue will be removed
from view if an invalid condition occurs in either flight
director pitch or roll command. The cue is displayed on
the side coupled to the flight director only, and reflects
the flight director mode selected by the flight director
mode selector panel.
(22) Fast/slow pointer and scale. The fast/slow
pointer and scale provide a display of deviation from
relative approach speed information provided by the lift
computer. The information provided to the indicator is
for an approach speed of approximately 1.3 times V,o
The display is removed from the EADI when flaps are
extended to the full down position.