TM 1-1510-223-10
Figure 3-6. Emergency Locator Transmitter
Section III.
The navigation equipment group provides the pilot
and copilot with instrumentation required to establish and
maintain an accurate flight course and position, and to
make an approach on instruments under Instrument Me-
teorological Conditions (IMC). The navigation configura-
tion includes equipment for determining attitude,
position, destination range and bearing, heading refer-
ence, and groundspeed.
SYSTEM (SPZ-4500).
The digital integrated flight control system (fig. 3-7),
provides flight director guidance, autopilot, yaw damper,
and trim functions.
The digital integrated flight control system is an inte-
grated fail passive autopilot/flight director/air data sys-
tem which has a full complement of horizontal and
vertical flight guidance modes:
Radio guidance modes
Inertial navigation system tracking
Air data oriented vertical modes
The pilot can couple either the left or right electronic
flight instrument system (EFIS) to the single automatic
flight control system for control of the aircraft.
The flight control computer provides digital process-
ing of heading, navigation, and air data information to
satisfy the pilots requirements. The data is presented to
the pilots on the altitude indicator and the electronic flight
instrument systems (EFIS).
The flight control system displays heading, course,
radio bearing, pitch and roll attitude, barometric altitude,
selected alert altitude, radio altitude, short and long
range navigation, course deviation, glideslope deviation,
to-from indication, TACAN distance and course indica-
tions, and VOR-DME distance information. Display of
weather radar and lightning sensor system information
on the electronic horizontal situation indicators (EHSI) is
also provided.
Lighted annunciators denote selected flight mode, al-
titude alert, decision height, and go-around mode (on
EADIs only) engagement. Pitch and roll steering com-
mands are displayed on the electronic attitude director
indicators (EADI).