TM 1-1510-223-10
Change 3 3-17
(b) FH (frequency hopping mode). This mode
is the member versus master/controller mode of the fre-
quency hopping mode of the VHF-FM transceiver. The
data at the top center of the page is:
Top line - 2-FM SETUP.
Second line - The currently selected FH channel, the
text NET, and the NET number.
Third line - Displays FAIL, EMER, TUNING, or NO
TSEC if appropriate.
The display formats vary somewhat depending upon
whether the aircraft is on the ground or in the air.
1 On the ground.
L1. Second depressions of L1 will
cause the mode to change from SC to FH to FH/M, with
the active mode boxed.
If a TRANSEC variable has not been loaded, the
text NO TSEC appears on the third line of text at
the top center of the display.
L2. The ERF RCV key is used to
initiate reception of frequency hopping data from the NET
controllers radio. The received data is then stored in the
member radio. Depressing L2 causes the legend to be
boxed. If an ERF is received while the ERF RCV mode
is active, the text at L2 will STORE HSET or STORE
LSET, followed by the HSET or LSET data that was re-
ceived. Depressing L2 will store the LSET in its channel
or the HSET data in the channel entered in the scratch-
pad (valid entry is 1 through 6) and added to the HSET/
LSET list. If the received data is bad, the text BAD is
displayed next to L2. If the retrieval/storage of data is
unsuccessful for some other reason, the text ERROR is
L3. Function key L3 of the 2-FM
SETUP page (FH format) is the HSET TUNE function
key. This function key allows tuning of a hopset while on
the 2-FM SETUP page. Pressing L3 to be tuned to the
entered channel. If a channel number is entered which
entered which does not contain a valid hopset and L3 is
pressed, a scratchpad error will occur.
The displayed HSET channel is the one that is
used for LATE ENTRY.
L4. The LSET CH key is used to
display lockset data associated with a particular LSET
channel. If the scratchpad is empty, depressing L4 will
cause the current displayed LSET channel and code to
be blanked from the display. If a valid LSET channel is
scratchpadded, depressing L4 will cause the scratch-
padded channel and its LSET code to be displayed. Valid
LSET channels are 1 through 6. Other possible mes-
sages are ERROR and NO LSET (no LSET loaded for
that channel).
L5. In FH mode, this function is
used to time FH operations. If the scratchpad is blank,
depressing R5 will change the display of time stored in
the transceiver. If time is not available from the transceiv-
er, the display remains blank. If valid data is scratch-
padded, the data will be displayed adjacent to L5 and
sent to the transceiver. Valid time data is day (0 through
99), hours (0 through 23), and minutes (0 through 59).
Data fields not entered are considered zero.
R1. Depressing R1 will cause the
legend at R1 to be boxed and the transceiver to be put
into the LATE NET E (entry) mode. The LATE NET mode
can be used to resynchronize the radio to a net if commu-
nication has been lost to drifting of the clock.
R3. The function key R3 of the
2-FM SETUP page (FH format) is the CLEAR function
key. Pressing R# with a valid hopset (1-6) or lockset
(L1-L8) channel number in the scratchpad will cause the
associated hopset or lockset to be cleared from the radio.