TM 1-1510-223-10
Change 3 3-19
plain/cipher mode and fill data and identifier to be de-
leted. When the scratchpadded channels data has been
successfully deleted, the box around the legend at L2 will
be removed.
Valid data consists of a valid hopset (HSET) channel
(0 through 6 or an M).
Several channels can be deleted by scratchpad-
ding several channel numbers with a space be-
tween them. Scratchpadding 1 4 and pressing
L2 causes data in channels 1 and 4 to be de-
leted. Scratchpadding 1-4 and pressing L2
causes data in channels 1 thru 4 to be deleted.
(3) DEL LSET. This key provides a means for
deleting locksets. Scratchpadding valid data and press-
ing L3 causes the legend at L3 to be boxed and the
hopset, plain/ciph mode and fill data and identifier to be
deleted. When the scratchpadded channels data has
successfully been deleted, the box around the legend at
L3 is removed. Valid data consists of a valid lockset
(LSET) channel (1-8).
Several channels can be deleted at once by
scratchpadding several channel numbers with a
space between them. Scratchpadding 1 4 and
depressing L3 will cause data in channels 1 and
4 to be deleted. Scratchpadding 1-4 and de-
pressing L3 will cause data in channels 1
through 4 inclusive to be deleted.
(4) ADD. When the VHF-FM transceiver is in the
single channel mode, this key is used to add information
to the single channel frequency list. Scratchpadding valid
data and depressing R1 will cause the scratchpadded
data to be entered into the frequency list.
Valid data consists of a valid channel (1 through 20 or
C or E) followed by a valid frequency (30.000 through
87.975 with leading and trailing zeroes and decimal
points optional) and/or a valid plain/cipher command (a
P or a space or C plus a 1 through 6) and/or a valid identi-
fier (1 through 6 alphanumeric characters, beginning
with an alpha but excluding, E, C, C plus 1 through 6, and
(5) DEL. This key is used to delete channel (pre-
set) data from the frequency list. Scratchpadding valid
data and depressing R2 will cause the frequency, plain/
cipher mode and fill data, and identifier for the scratch-
padded channels to be deleted.
Valid channels for the VHF-FM transceiver are 1
through 20 or C or E.
Several channels can be deleted at once by
scratchpadding several channel numbers with a
space between them. Scratchpadding 1 4 and
depressing R2 will cause data channels 1 and 4
to be deleted. Scratchpadding 1-4 and depress-
ing R2 will cause data in channels 1 through 4
inclusive to be deleted.
a. Description. An automatic or manually activated
emergency locator transmitter (ELT, fig. 3-6), is located
in the left side of the aft fuselage. The associated anten-
na is mounted on top of the aft fuselage. An access hole
with spring-loaded cover is located in the fuselage skin
adjacent to the transmitter, enabling a downed pilot to
manually initiate or terminate operation, or reset the ELT
to an armed mode. The transmitter contains a G switch
which automatically activates the transmitter following a
velocity change of 3.5 feet per second. When activated,
the ELT will radiate omni-directional radio frequency sig-
nals on the international distress frequencies of 121.5
and 243.0 MHz. The radiated signal is modulated with an
audio swept tone. Internal batteries provide transmitter
operation for a minimum of 50 hours at -20 C.
b. Remote Switch and Functions. The remote switch
is accessible through a small (finger-size) spring loaded
door, located on the left side of the aft fuselage. The
remote switch is placarded ON - ARMED/RESET.
(1) ON. Initiates emergency signal transmissions
for test or for emergency purposes.
(2) ARMED/RESET. Used to ARM the ELT or
reset it after an accidental activation.
c. Normal Operation. During normal operation the
remote switch is in the down (ARMED/RESET) position.
d. Emergency Operation. The ELT may be manually
activated by moving the remote switch to the up (ON)
e. Resetting the ELT. If the ELT is activated accidently
it will need to be reset. Do this by moving the remote
switch up to the ON position and holding it there for one
second, then immediately rocking it down to the ARMED/
RESET position, then releasing the switch.