TM 1-1510-218-10
(5) Refer to Figure 3C-87 for definition and
execution of a typical FMS approach as described in
the following paragraphs
(6) GPS Approaches. After entering the
destination airport identifier, select a published GPS
approach to access the IAF page. Refer to Figure
3C-88 and Table 3C-66. Select the desired IAF and
press the FPLN INSR line key to call up the Flight Plan
page. The INSRT G APR BEFORE? scratchpad
message will appear. Select the point at which the
approach is to be inserted in the flight plan.
After the approach is inserted, the Flight Plan
page will show the published IAF, intermediate points,
the FAF, and the MAP. The missed approach
procedure points and MAHP will also be shown. The
MAP of a GPS approach is either at the runway
threshold of the approach, or a MAP for a circling
approach. Consult published procedures to determine
correct operation for GPS approach into the MAP. If
the missed approach point is not at the runway
threshold (as in a circling approach), then the MAP
altitude will be the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA)
published for that approach. For MDA approach
altitudes, the descent angle into the MAP will be
blanked on the Flight Plan Waypoint page for the
MAP, and FMS vertical guidance will be disabled for
the final approach into the MAP. The V attribute for
vertical guidance definition will not be displayed on the
Flight Plan page for MDA approaches. For MDA
approach altitudes, select the MDA altitude on the
autopilot altitude preselector to initiate guidance to the
MDA approach. MAP's that do not terminate at the
runway threshold are assigned identifiers other than
the RWXX identifier.
There are no userdefined entries other than the
airport identification, GPS runway selection, and the
initial approach fix selection. On the IAF Select page,
the approach can be inserted without selecting an IAF.
The FMS will use the IAF at the top of the page as the
default. Published GPS approaches that have been
defined without identifiable IAF's have been filtered out
of the FMS operation. The FMS does not recognize a
GPS approach without an IAF.
The FMS supports three types of GPS approach
1. GPS
2. GPS overlay approach with DME arc.
3. GPS overlay approach with course
reversals/procedure turns.
Each approach is described in greater detail
under GPS approach execution.
Figure 3C-87. Approach Execution