TM 1-1510-218-10
(b) When the aircraft reaches an altitude
1000 feet from selected altitude, the ALT annunciator
on upper right corner of pilot's altimeter and the ALT
ALERT annunciator in the annunciator block above
the copilot's airspeed indicator will illuminate and a
warning horn will sound for 1 second. The lights will
remain illuminated until the aircraft reaches an altitude
250 feet from the selected altitude. If the aircraft now
deviates from the selected altitude by more than
250 feet, the ALT lights will again be illuminated. The
lights will remain illuminated until the aircraft is once
again within 250 feet of the selected altitude.
a. Description.
systems are installed to provide accurate directional
information for the aircraft. For heading reference, two
modes of operation are used, directional gyro (FREE)
mode or slaved compass (SLAVE) mode. In areas
where magnetic references are reliable, the system is
operated in the slaved compass mode. In this mode,
the directional gyro is slaved to the magnetic flux valve
that supplies a magnetic reference for correction of
gyro precession. In the free gyro mode, the system is
operated as a free gyro. In this mode, heading
corrections are manually introduced using the pilot's or
copilot's INCREASE / DECREASE switches. The
slave/free mode is selected as desired, using the
pilot's or copilot's SLAVE / FREE switches.
b. Gyromagnetic Compass System Controls,
Indicators, and Functions.
(1) Compass System Selector Switch. A
three-position switch, placarded
SYSTEMS COMPASS 2, located left of the pilots
EHSI, controls the selection of compass system.
When the switch is set to the ALL SYSTEMS ON
COMPASS 1 position, both EHSIs, both flight director
computers, and the flight management system receive
heading information from compass system number 1.
When the switch is set to the NORM position, the flight
director computer number 1, EHSI number 1, and flight
management system receive heading information from
compass system number 1, while the flight director
computer number 2 and EHSI number 2 receive
heading information from compass system number 2.
When the switch is set to the ALL SYSTEMS ON
COMPASS 2 position, both EHSIs, both flight director
computers, and the flight management system receive
heading information from compass system number 2.
(2) Heading
Annunciator Compass. The EADI compares the
heading inputs from system number 1 and system
number 2 and displays a yellow flag placarded HDG
on the top of the EADI to show a miscompare between
the two heading inputs to the pilots and copilot's
(3) Gyro Slave / Free Switches. The pilot
and copilot are each provided with a switch placarded
GYRO SLAVE / FREE, located on the extreme left
and right sides of the instrument panel. When the
switch is in the SLAVE position, the pilot's flight
instruments are receiving heading information based
on magnetic north. When the switch is in the FREE
position, the respective pilot's or copilot's EHSI and
FMS are receiving heading information referenced to a
free gyro.
(4) Gyro Increase / Decrease Switches. The
pilot and copilot are each provided with a three-
position switch spring-loaded to the center (off)
position, placarded GYRO INCREASE / DECREASE,
and located on the extreme left and right sides of the
instrument panel. When the respective pilot's or
copilot's gyro slave/free switch is in the FREE position,
these switches may be used to increase or decrease
the magnetic heading indication of the respective
pilot's or copilot's EHSI.
(5) Heading Source. The heading source
field annunciates the source for the aircraft heading
input on the EHSIs. Magnetic north heading can be
referenced with or without the directional gyro slaved
to a magnetic flux detector. Table 3C-11 indicates the
heading source annunciations.