TM 1-1510-218-10
for navigation. Insufficient number of satellites or
inadequate satellite geometry to accurately determine
the position within 3.8 nm.
NECESSARY - Appears when the KLN 90B is
interfaced with a fuel flow computer that allows the fuel
on board to be set.
TIME - Appears when the KLN 90B system time is
automatically updated to GPS time by more than
10 minutes.
(45) USER DATA LOST - Appears when the
unit determines that the internal memory backup
battery is dead or that some other internal failure has
occurred which has caused all user entered data to be
(46) VNV ALERT - Appears when a VNAV
operation has been programmed on the NAV 4 page
and the estimated time to start the climb or descent is
approximately 90 seconds.
(47) WAYPOINT ___ DELETED - Appears
when a waypoint used in a flight plan, or the active
waypoint, no longer exists as a result of updating the
database. The waypoint is deleted from flight plans in
which it was used.
(48) WPT
message displays when there is a failure of the KLN
90B WPT annunciator drive circuitry. To determine if
waypoint alerting is being given, check the display of
the KLN 90B.
bj. Status Line Messages. These are short,
operational messages that are displayed in the lower
center segment of the screen.
(1) ACTIVE WPT - Appears if an attempt is
made to delete a waypoint on the OTH 3 page and the
waypoint is the active waypoint.
(2) D CRS XXX° - Appears when the KLN
90B is in the OBS mode and is interfaced with an
external indicator which the KLN 90B cannot change
the selected course and the pilot performs a direct to
operation. Since the KLN 90B cannot change the
selected course, the pilot is given a message for the
OBS value to set the indicator to.
(3) DUP IDENT - More than one waypoint of
that type has the same identifier.
(4) ENT LAT/LON - A reminder to enter the
location of a user-defined waypoint.
(5) FPL FULL - An attempt has been made
to add a waypoint to a flight plan that already contains
30 waypoints.
(6) IN ACT LIST - Appears when a user-
defined VOR is the active waypoint and attempt is
made to change the stored magnetic variation of this
VOR. The magnetic variation cannot be changed
while the VOR is the active waypoint.
(7) INVALID ADD - Appears when an
attempt is made to add a waypoint to an approach.
(8) INVALID DEL - Appears when an attempt
is made to delete a waypoint from an approach.
(9) INVALID ENT - Appears when an attempt
is made to enter invalid data, e.g., 30 FEB 96.
(10) INVALID REF - Appears with an attempt
to create an invalid reference waypoint.
waypoint identifier has been entered on the NAV 4
page if the waypoint is not valid for VNAV operation.
(12) NO ACTV WPT - Appears with an
attempt to activate the OBS mode if there is no active
(13) NO APPROACH - Appears with an
attempt to arm the GPS approach mode when there is
no approach loaded into the active flight plan.
(14) NO APT WPTS - Appears when the APT
type pages have been selected if the KLN 90B doesn't
contain a database cartridge and there are no user-
defined airport waypoints.
(15) NO INT WPTS - Appears when the INT
type pages have been selected if the KLN 90B doesn't
contain a database cartridge and there are no user-
defined intersection waypoints.
(16) NO INTRCEPT - Appears when an
attempt is made to recalculate the intercept point on a
DME arc and the actual track doesn't intercept the arc.
(17) NO NDB WPTS - Appears when the NDB
type pages have been selected if the KLN 90B doesn't
contain a database cartridge and there are no user-
defined NDB waypoints.
(18) NO SUCH WPT - Appears when there is
no waypoint in the database corresponding to the
identifier entered on the reference waypoint page.