TM 1-1510-218-10
OTH 1 pages, one for each of the two points of
contact. The name of the FSS is at the top of the
page. There can be from one to four frequencies.
Where it is possible to communicate with FSS by
transmitting on VHF and receiving on the VOR, the
OTH 1 page displays the frequencies to use for
transmit and receive and also the name of the VOR
being used.
(b) In some parts of the world, HF
communications are used for these services. These
frequencies are displayed where appropriate.
Frequencies for Area Control Centers are
displayed on the OTH 2 page for some
areas of the world.
(2) Frequencies for Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (Other 2). The KLN 90B also stores in its
database the low altitude boundaries of each of the
ARTCC Centers. The KLN 90B determines the proper
Center to contact and the appropriate frequencies to
use for the aircraft's present position. The OTH 2
page is used to display this information.
(3) Deleting User-Defined Waypoints (Other
3). A listing of all user-defined waypoints is contained
on the OTH 3 page. The user-defined waypoints are
listed by category; airports (A) are first, VOR's (V) are
second, NDB's (N) are third, intersections (I) are
fourth, and supplemental (S) waypoints are last.
Within each category, the waypoints are alphabetized
by identifier. To the right of the identifier is the type
waypoint (A, V, N, I, or S). If the waypoint is used in a
flight plan, the flight plan number is shown to the right
of the waypoint type. Refer to Figure 3-74. If more
than five user waypoints exist, it is necessary to press
the left CRSR button and then use the left outer knob
to scroll through the complete list.
L29 A 24
Figure 3-74. OTH 3 Page
(a) Deleting A User Waypoint.
1. Select the OTH 3 page.
2. Press the left CRSR button and
use the left outer knob to move the
cursor over the waypoint to be
deleted. If more than five user-
necessary to use the left outer
knob to scroll through the list. A
waypoint contained in a flight plan
cannot be deleted without first
either deleting the waypoint from
the flight plan or deleting the entire
flight plan.
3. Press the CLR button. The
waypoint page for the waypoint to
be deleted appears on the right
4. Press the ENT button.
5. Press the left CRSR button to turn
off the left cursor function.
(4) Deleting Airport Remarks (Other 4). The
OTH 4 page includes a listing of all airports whose
APT 5 pages contain remarks. To delete a previously
entered remark, select the OTH 4 page, position the
cursor over the desired airport identifier, press the
clear button, and then press the ENT button. If there
are more than five airports with remarks, use the left
outer knob to scroll the cursor down the list to find the
desired airport identifier.
(5) Fuel Management (Other 5 through 8).
The installation of the Army Engine Trend Monitoring
System (AETM) allows the KLN 90B to interface with
real time fuel management data so that the system
can continuously compute the amount of fuel required
to reach the destination and the amount of fuel that will
be on board upon reaching the destination. The
AETM continuously sends the rate of fuel flow to the
KLN 90B. The KLN 90B continuously calculates the
aircraft's distance, groundspeed, and estimated time
en route to the destination waypoint. The fuel required
to reach the destination waypoint is the ETE multiplied
by the current rate of fuel flow. The amount of fuel
remaining at the destination is the amount of fuel
presently remaining minus the fuel required to reach
the destination.