TB 43-0149
lighting circuits is the same as that for a combat
area, with the following modifications and
Figure 28. Circuit layout for airfield runway in a noncombat area.
(1) At each marker light at each end of the runway,
equal amount of light in all directions. Lighting fixtures
lay a 50-foot (15.24 meter) power cable in ward toward
are installed by inserting the fixture lead through the
the center line of the runway. The inner threshold lights
opening in the top of the cone and lugging it into the
are connected to these cable which are in turn
connected to the runway light cables. If it is necessary to
The fixture is inserted and adjusted so that the notches
mark obstacles on or near the runway, obstacle lights
on top of the cone correspond with the lugs in the fixture
are connected into the runway circuit at any power
cable junction.
placing the level provided in the basic set across the top
and adjusting the cone as necessary (figure 32). This is
connected, the cones and lighting fixtures are placed,
assembled, and connected. The lighting fixtures utilize
done after the lighting fixture is inserted and prior to the
lenses found in the supplementary set, instead of hoods.
installation of the lens on the fixture.
These lenses emit an