TM 55-4920-414-13&PCHAPTER 2SERVICE UPON RECEIPTSection I. SITE AND SHELTER2-1. Siting.The Pilot Assist Nulling Fixture Assembly operates in thebench environment and requires 28 vdc and 115 vat, single-phase, 60 Hz power and 3000 psi, 6 gpm, hydraulic source.REQUIREMENTSSection Il. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF MATERIEL2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment.a. Inspect equipment for damage caused during shipment.If equipment has been damaged, report damage on DD Form6 in accordance with instructions in AR 700-53.b. Check equipment against component listing in operators’manual and packing slip to see if shipment is complete. Reportall discrepancies in accordance with the instructions of DAPAM 738-751. Equipment should be placed in service eventhough a minor assembly or part that does not affect properfunctioning is missing.c. Check to see whether equipment has been modified.(Equipment which has been modified will have MWO numberon front panel, near nomenclature plate). Check also to seewhether all currently applicable MWOs have been applied.(Current MWO applicable to equipment are listed in DA PAM310-7).Section Ill. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS2-3. Power Requirements.a. 115 vat, 60 Hz, single-phase.b. 28 vdc, ± 0.5 vdc.2-4. Installation Instructions.The Test Box is shipped with lamps in place. Check that theselamps are installed and not damaged on the Test Boxa.b.c.d.DC POWER Lamp.AC POWER Lamp.BOOST PRESS ON Lamp.BOOST PRESS OFF Lamp.e. SAS PRESS ON Lamp.f. SAS PRESS OFF Lamp.2-5. Switch Positions:a.b.c.d.e.f.POWER DC switch OFF.POWER AC switch OFF.TRIM switch OFF.SAS switch OFF.BOOST switch OFF.TRIM COIL SELECT switch BOTH.2-1
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