TM 55-4920-414-13&P
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. scope
This manual describes the Test Box Assembly Pilot As- b
sist/Nulling (Test BOX) and Nulling Fixture Assembly SAS Ac-
tuator (Test Fixture) (Figure l-l) and provides instructions for
operation, aviation unit, and intermediate maintenance. It in-
cludes instructions for replacement of parts available to the
operators and aviation unit, and intermediate repairmen and
a repair parts and special tools list (RPSTL).
1-2. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports.
Department of the Army forms and procedures used for
equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use.
Refer to TM 750-244-2, Procedures for Destruction of Elec-
tronic Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use.
1-4. Preparation for Storage or Shipment.
For general technical Information on preparation for
storage and shipment refer to TM 55-1500-204-25/1. For
regulatory requirements pertaining to equipment placed
in admin istrat ive storage refer lo AR 750-1.
1-5. Quality Assurancce/Quality Control (QA/QC).
Refer to FM 55-411 for information about quality assurance
and quality control.
1-6. Equipment Improvement Recommendation (EIR).
EIR can and must be submitted by anyone who is aware of
an unsatisfactory condition with the equipment design or use.
It is not necessary to show a new design or list a better way
to do a procedure; just simply tell why the design is unfavora-
ble or why a procedure is difficult. EIR may be submitted on
SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail directly to Com-
mander, US Army Aviation Systems Command, ATTN:
AMSAV-MPSD, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd, St. Louis, MO
63120-1798. A reply will be furnished to you.
1-7. Purpose and Use.
a. Roll SAS assembly (part No. 70410-02450).
The test set provides the facility for functional testing and
nulling of hydraulic servo components in the UH-60A helicop-
b. Pitch/Trim assembly (part No. 70410-02760).
ter flight control system. It is used in a bench-top environment
to test the Servo Assembly Boost (part No. 70410-02900) and
c. Yaw Boost Servo assembly (part No. 70410-02910).
the Pilot Assist Hydraulic Module Assembly (part No.
d. Collective Servo assembly (part No. 70410-02920).
Additional capabilities include the testing and nulling of the
e. Pilot Assist Hydraulic Module assembly (part No.
following assemblies:
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