TM 55-4920-401-13&P
Figure 4-28. Power SCR Installation Detail.
c. Place clip over potentiometer shaft and screw
truding ends of screws.
shaft about two turns into bushing.
c. Place a plastic sleeve over each screw.
d. Apply tension to clip with nut.
d. Place heat sink over screws and sleeves and
e. Resolder wires removed from potentiometer.
fasten heat sink to case with two fiber washers and
two locknuts.
4-17. Installation of Heater Probe Power SCR
e. Ascertain with an ohmmeter that there is no
and Heat Sink.
electrical contact between the heatsink and the
a. Apply heat sink compound (item 9, table 1-16)
to the area of the case where the mica insulation
f. Place anode soldering lug on SCR and screw
makes contact with the case and to the case side of
SCR into heat sink.
the heat sink.
b. Insert two seal screws (fig. 4-28) through case
g. Reconnect cathode and gate wires to SCR.
and place two pieces of mica insulation over pro-
Section V.
4-18. General. This section contains figures and
4-19. Federal Supply Code List of Manu-
parts lists of all tester assemblies. Included are ex-
facturers. The following is a list of the names and
ploded views of assemblies with parts numbered in
addresses of all manufacturers supplying items or
disassembly order. Each index number in a parts
articles together with their code symbols. Absence
list is followed by the part number, the part name,
of a manufacturers code in the description column
and the manufacturers
federal supply code
indicates that the part is a Government standard