opposite the first appearance of each item, is the
total quantity of items authorized for the number
of equipments supported. Subsequent appear-
ances of the same item will have the letters
REF in the allowance column. Items autho-
rized for use as required, but not for initial stock-
age are identified with an asterisk (*) in the al-
lowance column.
The quantitative allowance for DS/GS
levels of maintenance will represent
initial stockage for a 30-day period for
the number of equipments supported.
Determination of the total quantity of
parts required for the maintenance of
more than 100 of these equipments can be
accomplished by converting the equip-
ment quantity to a decimal factor by
placing a decimal point before the next
to last digit of the number to indicate
hundredths, and multiplying the deci-
mal factor by the parts quantity autho-
rized in the 51-100 allowance column.
Example, authorized allowance for 51-
100 equipment is 40; for 150 equipments
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
h. 1- Year Allowance Per 100 Equipments/ FIG
Contigency Planning Purposes. When applic-
able, this column indicates opposite the first ap-
pearance of each item the total quantity required
for distribution and contingency planning pur-
poses. The range of items indicates the total
quantities of all authorized items required to pro-
5. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
vide adequate support of 100 equipments for one
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100 E-
quipments. Indicates opposite the first appear-
ance of each item, the total quantity authorized
for depot maintenance of 100 equipments. Subse-
quent appearances of the same item will have the
letters REF in the allowance aolumn. Items
authorized for use as required, but not for initial
stockage are identified with an asterisk (*) in the
allowance column.
j. Illustrations.
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure num-
ber of the illustration in which the item
is shown.
(2) Item Number. Indicates the call-out num-
bers used to reference the item in the il-
4. Abbreviations (Mnemonic Codes)
The following abbreviations are used
hfawfactuw and Location
Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp Data Instruments Division Transducer Products
Calif 91016
Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp Data Instruments Division Datatape-Datagraph
Villa Ave Pasadena Calif 91109
Cornell-Dubilier Electric Corp 50 Paris Street Newark N J
Consist of
Cycles per second
Direct current
Long (length)
1400 S Shamrock Monrovia
Products 36o Sierra Madre
Cutler-Hammer Inc Power D&tribution and Control Division 4201 N 27th St Milwaukee Wis 53216
Mallory P R and Co Inc 3029 East Washington St Indianapolis Ind 46206
Simpson Electric Co 5200 W Kinzie Chicago Ill
Sprague Electric Co Marshall St North Adams Mass 01247
Bussmann Mfg Division of McGraw-Edison Co 2536 W University St St Louis Mo 63017
Littlefuse Inc 800 E Northwest Hwy Des Plaines Ill 60016
Military Specifications Promulgated By Standardization Div Directorate of Logistic Services DSA
Aeronautical Standards Group Dept of Navy and Air Force
AVCO/Lycoming Division Stratford Plant 550 S Main St Stratford Corm
Honeywell Inc Micro-Switch Division Chicago and Spring Street Freeport Ill 61032
Military Standards Promulgated By Standardization Div Directorate of Logistic Services DSA
6. Recommendations for Equipment Manual Im-
mitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
to DA Publications) and forwarded direct to the
Report of errors, omissions, and recommenda-
Commanding General, U. S. Army Aviation Sys-
tions for improving this publication by the indivi-
tems Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MP, 4300
dual user is encouraged. Reports should be sub-
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri 63120-1798.