1. Scope
This- manual lists repair parts required for the
performance of direct support, general support,
and depot maintenance of Monitoring Kit, Vibra-
tion, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. P/N
171170-0104. It is to be used for identification,
issue, requisitioning and as an aid to procure-
2. General
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is
divided into the following sections
a. Repair Parts Section II. A list of repair
parts authorized for the performance of mainten-
ance at direct support, general support, and de-
pot level in figure and item number sequence
within each functional group.
b. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment
Section III. (Not Applicable).
c. Index Section IV. This section is divided
into the following parts
(1) Federal Stock Number Index Part 1.
A list of Federal stock numbers in ascen-
ding numerical sequence appearing in
all listings cross-referenced to figure
item number.
(2) Reference Number Index Part 2. A list
of reference numbers in alpha-numerical
sequence appearing in all listings cross-
-referenced to manufacturers code and
figure and item number.
3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of col-
umns in the tabular lists in Section II.
u. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
Codes (SMR).
Source Code. Indicates the selection sta-
tus and source for the listed item. The
source code used is
Applies to repair parts which are stocked
in or supplied from General Services Ad-
Army supply system
for use at indicated
Supply Agency or
and are authorized
maintenance cate-
Maintenance Code. Indicates the lowest
category of maintenance authorized to
install the listed item. Parts which re-
quire manufacture or assembly will be
indicated in the source code column the
category which will make or assemble
the item (i.e., AF, MF). The mainten-
ance code used is
Direct Support
Recoverability Code. Indicates whether
unserviceable items should be returned
for recovery or salvage. Items not coded
are expendable. The recoverability code
used is
Applies to repair parts and assemblies
which are economically repairable at
DSU/GSU activities and normally are
furnished by supply on an exchange
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Fed-
ral stock number assigned to the item and will be
used for requisitioning purposes.
c. Description.
Indicates the Federal item
name and any additional description of the item
required. Further information to clarify item re-
lationship, item replacement, multiple applica-
tion and material required for fabrication is also
Reference Number. A part number or oth-
er reference number followed by the ap-
plicable five-digit Federal supply code
for manufacturers in parentheses.
Models Useable On. Indicates the usable
on code to identify models. This subcol-
umn is not applicable to this publica-
d. Unit of Issue (U/I). A two character alpha-
betic abbreviation indicating the amount or quan-
tity of the item upon which the allowances are
based, e.g., FT, EA, PR, etc.
e. Quanity Incorporated in Unit Pack. (Not
f.Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
quantity of the item used in the functional group.
A V appearing in this column in lieu of a quan-
tity indicates that a definite quantity cannot be
indicated, (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
g. 30 - Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances.
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
three subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn,