TM 55-1730-201-12
secure the lever (1) and two links (2) to the sleeve
(8) and remove the lever and links.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Wash all parts in cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680.
(2) Inspect the plate, tube, and sleeve for
cracks or breaks. Weld a broken plate. Inspect the
lever and links for breaks or cracks. Weld a broken
lever or link. Grease bolts and shaft of base as-
sembly with MIL-L-6032 grease.
(3) Replace any defective parts.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Position the lever (1) and two links (2) on the
sleeve (8) and secure with the two bolts (3 and 10).
(2) Install the sleeve (8), spring (6) and retain-
ing ring (7) on the base assembly (9).
Figure 7. Base Assembly, Exploded View.