TM 55-1680-317-23&P
(e) Replacing a thong. Replace a damaged thong by fabricating as follows:
1. Cut and remove the original thong from the kit outer case slide interlocking fastener outside slider
wire stirrup.
2. Cut a 16-inch length of 1/2-inch-wide, type 1 cotton tape and wax the ends.
3. Double the tape length and aline the ends.
4. At a point 2-1/2 inches from the folded end of the tape, install a serviceable snap fastener (A, figure
2-14) which is described in (d) 2 above, using the procedures in paragraph 2-10 b.
5. Pass the tape folded end through the slide interlocking fastener wire stirrup and secure the fabricated
thong to the stirrup with a clove hitch drawn tight. Aline the thong loose ends and make an overhand
knot near the bottom of the thong (B).
(f) Replacing a ring chape. Replace a damaged ring chape by fabricating as follows:
1. Cut and remove the original ring chape from the inside wire stirrup on the kit outer case slide
interlocking fastener. On the opposite end of the chape, remove the life raft inflation assembly pull-
cable from the 3/4-inch-diameter split key ring. Further, remove the ring from the chape end.
2. Inspect the split key ring for serviceability and, if serviceable, retain the ring for further use.
3. Cut a 12-1/2-inch length of 1/2-inch-wide, type I cotton tape and mark the tape length at points 9-3/4
and 12-1/4 inches from one end.
4. Pass the unmarked end of the tape length down through the slider wire stirrup to which the original
chape was attached, and aline the tape end with the 9-3/4-inch mark (figure 2-15).
5. Pass the marked end of the tape length through a serviceable 3/4-inch-diameter split key ring and
back below the webbing end alined in 4 above to form a 3/4-inch- long ring attaching loop on the
chape end. At the 12-1/4-inch mark, make a 1/4- inch foldback against the bottom of the tape plies.
6. Secure the 1/4-inch foldback by stitching two rows, 3/8-inch-long, 7/16 inch apart, across the tape
width, using the specifics in table 2-3. Stitching will be made in accordance with paragraph 2-7.