TM 55-1510-222-10
Table 3-1. Autopilot System Limits (Sheet 2 of 2)
Control Switch
Fixed Pitch-Up
7 Pitch Up
on Throttles
Command, Wings Level
Pitch Sync
TCS Switch on Control
Pitch Altitude Command 20
ALT Hold
Air Data Computer
ALT Hold Engage Range
0 to 50,000 ft
ALT Engage Error
20 ft.
Pitch Limit
Pitch Rate Limit
Function of (TAS)
VS Hold
Air Data Computer
VERT Speed Engage Range
0 to 6,000 ft/min
ALT Speed Hold Engage Error
Pitch Limit
30 ft/min
Pitch Rate Limit
Function of (TAS)
IAS Hold
Air Data Computer
IAS Engage Range
80 to 45 knots
IAS Hold Engage Error
5 knots
Pitch Limit
Pitch Rate Limit
Function of (TAS)
ALT Prese-
Air Data Computer
Preselect Capture Range
0 to 50,000 ft
Maximum Vertical
400 ft/min
Speed for Capture
Maximum Gravitational
Force During Capture
Pitch Limit
Function of (TAS)
Pitch Rate Limit
(c) SOFT RIDE Annunciator/Pushbutton Switch.
Soft ride reduces autopilot gains while still maintaining
stability in rough air. This mode may be used with any
Flight Director mode selected.
(d) TURN Knob. Rotation of the turn knob out of
detent results in a roll command. The roll angle is
proportional to and in the direction of the turn knob
rotation. The turn knob must be in detent (center
position) before the autopilot can be engaged. Rotation
of the turn knob cancels any other previously selected
lateral mode.
(e) YD ENGAGE Pushbutton Switch. When the
autopilot is not engaged, the yaw damper may be
utilized by depressing the YD ENGAGE pushbutton.
(f) AP ENGAGE Pushbutton Switch. The AP
ENGAGE switch is used to engage the autopilot.
Engaging the autopilot automatically engages the yaw
damper. The autopilot may be engaged with the
aircraft in any reasonable attitude.
(g) Elev TRIM Annunciators. The elevator trim
annunciator indicates UP or DN when a sustained signal
is being applied to the elevator servo. The annunciator
should not be illuminated when engaging the autopilot.
(3) Autopilot Disengagement. The autopilot is
normally disengaged by momentarily depressing the
control wheel AP DISC switch. The autopilot may
however be disengaged by any of the following:
1. Actuation of the control wheel AP
DISC button. Disengagement is
confirmed by 5 flashes of the AP
ENG annunciator.
2. Pressing the respective vertical gyro
FAST ERECT button.
3. Actuation of respective compass
4. Selection of Go-Around mode.
Disengagement is confirmed by the
AP ENG annunciator flashing 5 times
and illumination of the GA and YD
ENG annunciators.
5. Pulling the autopilot CONTROL &
AFCS DIRECT circuit breaker.
6. Pressing the autopilot AP ENGAGE
7. Any of the following malfunctions will