If fourth digit from right is blank, a valid
heading has not been stored. Proceed with
normal preflight procedure.
TM 55-1510-221-10
Monitor data display for sys-
tem alignment state 9 to
alignment state 8. Observe
right data display will be ---
9. Monitor data display for
malfunction codes. Observe
if the 26V 400 Hz power is
off, .03184 will appear in
the right data display and
WARN light illuminates. If
magnetic compass system is
off, .03184 will appear in
r i g h t d a t a d i s p l a y a nd
WARN light is extinguished.
10. If there are malfunction
codes, proceed to ABNOR-
this chapter.
To achieve best accuracy, engine start and
heavy loading activity should be delayed
until entry into NAV mode.
Waypoint data and TACAN station data
may be loaded any time after turn-on.
Verify UTM Grid Coefficients:
Data selector (CDU) - UTM WY
Keys 5 and 9 - Press simulta-
neously. Observe FROM-TO dis-
play is blank. Earth flatness coef-
ficient appears in left display. The
relative earth radius, in meters,
appears in right display.
These values are retained from turn-on to
turn-on unless changed by operator.
3. Verify that values correspond to
those required for spheroid being
Values for various spheroids are listed in
table 3-1.
If values are correct, return CDU
to normal display mode by
momentarily setting data selector
to any position except UTM WY
PT. If values are to be changed,
continue with following steps:
(4.) Abbreviated INS Interface Test - As
Assuming a level aircraft, attitude indica-
tors will become level during alignment
state 8 and remain level in all modes
until INS is shut down. Warning indica-
tors for INS attitude signals from the INS
are valid while attitude sphere display is
The INS can provide test signals to the
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) and
connected displays. Pressing TEST switch
during STBY, ALIGN, or NAV mode
causes all digits on connected digital dis-
plays to indicate 8s, and lights the
WYPT on the pilots HSI and the ALERT
light. Additional HSI test signals are pro-
vided when INS is in ALIGN and data
selector is at any position other than
DSRTK/STS. Under those conditions,
pressing TEST switch causes HSI to indi-
cate heading, drift angle, and track angle
error - all at 0°" or 30°. At the same
time, cross track deviation is indicated at
3.75 nautical miles (one dot) right or
left and INS-controlled HSI flags are
retracted from view.
Output test signals are supplied to the
autopilot when INS steering is selected.
Rotating AUTO/MAN switch to AUTO
and pressing TEST during alignment fur-
nishes a 15° left bank steering command.
A 15° right bank steering command is fur-
nished when AUTO/MAN switch is set to