TM 55-1510-221-10
Figure 3-17. NAV 1 - NAV 2 Control Panel (VIR-30AGM, VIR-30AG
Controls/Indicators and Functions (NAV 1
(2.) Frequency control.
Control Panel, fig. 3-17).
frequency of VOR 2 receiver.
(1.) Frequency indicator. Displays selected
frequency of VOR 1 receiver.
(3.) NAV-TEST switch.
(2.) Frequency control. Selects operating
frequency of VOR 1 receiver.
VOR 2 navigation systems. If the system is function-
ing properly the following indications will be pres-
NAV-TEST pushbutton. Activates test
of VOR 1 navigation system. If the system is func-
tioning properly, the following indications are pres-
(4.) OFF/VOL control. Activates VOR 2
receiver. Permits monitoring VOR 2 audio and
adjusts volume of signals received.
(a.) RMI. Single needle indicates 0°.
(a.) RMI. Single needle indicates 0°.
(b.) HSI. Indicates lateral deviation
to the right and glideslope deviation down, if flag is
tuned to ILS frequency. It tuned to NAV frequency,
indicates 0° and the G/S flag is in view,
(b.) HSI. Indicates lateral deviation
to the right and glideslope deviation down, if NAV
is tuned to ILS frequency. If tuned to NAV fre-
quency, indicates 0° and G/S flag is in view.
(4.) VOL-OFF control. Activates VOR 1
receiver. Permits monitoring VOR 1 audio and
adjusts volume of signals received.
c. Controls/Indicators and Functions (NAV 2
Control Panel, Fig. 3-17).
(1.) Frequency indicator. Displays selected
frequency of VOR 2 receiver.
Controls and Functions, Instrument Panel.
(1.) Pilots COURSE INDICATOR switch.
Selects VOR receiver to control pilots HSI.
(a.) VOR 1. VOR 1 controls pilots
(b.) VOR 2. VOR 2 controls pilots
Selects operating
Activates test of