TM 55-1510-221-10
(2.) Turn rate indicator. Deflects to indi-
cate rate of turn.
(3.) Inclinometer. Indicates lateral acceler-
ation (side slip) of aircraft.
a. Description. Two identical compass sys-
tems provide accurate directional information for
the aircraft at all latitudes of the earth. As a heading
reference, two modes of operation are used: direc-
tional gyro (FREE) mode, or slaved (SLAVE) mode.
In polar regions of the earth where magnetic heading
references are not reliable, the system is operated in
the FREE mode. In this mode, the system furnishes
an inertial heading reference, with latitude correc-
tions introduced manually. In areas where magnetic
heading references are reliable, the system is oper-
ated in the SLAVE mode. In this mode, the direc-
tional gyro is slaved to the magnetic flux detector,
which supplies long-term magnetic reference to cor-
rect the apparent drift of the gyro. Magnetic heading
information from both systems is applied to various
aircraft systems through pilot and copilot COM-
PASS No.1 - No.2 switches. There are no circuit
breakers for the gyromagnetic compass systems. The
circuits are protected by the 2-ampere F2 and F6
fuses on the No. 1 junction box.
Vertical Gyro A vertical gyro provides line-
of-sight stabilization to the weather radar and roll
and pitch information to the autopilot. A FAST
ERECT switch at the top of the pilots instrument
panel (figure 2-29) provides a means for fast erec-
tion of the gyros. Pressing and holding the FAST
ERECT switch will erect the gyro to within 1.0° of
pitch and roll within 60 seconds of power applica-
tion, and erect to within 0.5° within 2 minutes. Nor-
mal operation of the vertical gyro system will not
require use of the fast erect switch. The circuit is
protected by the 3-ampere F22 fuse in the No. 1
junction box.
Controls and Functions.
(1.) Pilots COMPASS No.1-No.2 switch.
Selects desired source for magnetic heading informa-
tion to display on
No. 1 for display.
No.2 for display.
pilots HSI and copilots RMI.
No. 1. Selects compass system
(3.) To
No.2. Selects compass system
(2.) Copilots
No. I-No.2
switch. Selects desired source for magnetic heading
information to display on copilots HSI and pilots
RMI and INS.
(a.) No.1. Selects compass system
No. 1 for display.
(b.) No.2. Selects compass system
No. 2 for display.
(3.) GYRO SLAVE-FREE switch. Selects
system mode of operation.
(a.) SLAVE. Selects slaved mode.
Compass flux valve connects to azimuth card.
(b.) FREE. Selects free mode. Flux
valve is not connected to azimuth card.
(4.) INCREASE-DECREASE switch. Pro-
vides manual fast synchronization of the system.
(a.) INCREASE. Causes gyro head-
ing output to increase (move in clockwise direction).
(b.) DECREASE. Causes gyro head-
ing output to decrease (move in counter-clockwise
d. Normal Operation.
(1.) Alignment procedure:
Gyro compass slave-free switch -
(2.) To
switch - Hold switch momentarily
in the direction desired, and then
release. This will place system in
fast erect mode. The gyro will
then erect at approximately 30
degrees per minute. While in the
fast erect mode, the HEADING
flag (HSI) will be in view. When
the HEADING flag retracts from
view, the heading displayed will
be the magnetic heading.
determine magnetic heading:
Gyrocompass slave-free switch -
RMI rotating heading dial (com-
pass card) - Read heading.
determine directional gyro head-
Gyrocompass slave-free switch -
switch - Hold until the RMI com-
pass card aligns with the magnetic
heading, then release.
Read heading. The heading will
agree with the appropriate HSI.