TM 55-1510-221-10
Plain/cipher switch (voice security
control panel) -PLAIN.
Microphone switch - Press.
(4.) Transmitter operating procedure (CI-
switch (audio control panel) -
No.3 position.
Plain/cipher switch (voice security
control panel, fig. 3-6) - CIPHER.
(CIPHER indicator will be illumi-
nated as long as switch is in
CIPHER position.)
3. RE-X/REG switch (voice security
control panel) - REG.
4. Microphone
switch -
momentarily (interrupted tone
from voice security unit should
no longer be heard).
No traffic will be passed if the interrupted
tone is still heard after pressing and
releasing the microphone switch.
Microphone switch - Press (do not
talk). Wait until beep is heard
then speak into microphone.
(5.) Shutdown procedure:
Function selector switch (UHF
control panel)- OFF.
Power switch (Voice security con-
trol panel) - OFF.
e. UHF Command Set - Emergency Opera-
Transmission on emergency frequencies
(guard channels) is restricted to emergen-
cies only. An emergency frequency of 121.
500 MHz is also available on the VHF
command radio set.
1. Transmitter-interphone selector switch
(audio control panel) - No.3 position.
2. Mode selector switch (UHF control
panel) - GUARD.
3. Microphone switch - Press.
a. Description. The UHF command set is a line-
of-sight radio transceiver which provides transmis-
sion and reception of amplitude modulated (AM) sig-
nals in the ultra high frequency range of 225.000 to
399.975 MHz for a distance range of approximately
50 miles. Channel selection is spaced at 0.025 MHz.
A separate receiver is incorporated to provide moni-
toring capability for the UHF guard frequency (243.0
MHz). UHF audio output is applied to the audio
panel where it is routed to the headsets.
The PRESET channel selector and manual
frequency selectors are inoperative when
the mode selector is set to GUARD posi-
tion. The receiver-transmitter will be set
to the emergency frequency only.
Existing capabilities of the HAVE QUICK modi-
tied radio are preserved to the maximum extent pos-
sible when it is operated in the normal (non-hopping)
mode. No new procedures are required for normal
radio operation.
To operate in the AJ mode, the radio must first be
initialized. This initialization requires the setting of
two control entries into the radio, Word-of-Day
(WOD) and Time-of-Day (TOD). The WOD defines
the choice of frequency hopping pattern for the day.
The WOD choice is a managerial function and the
same WOD may be used for one or more days. The
TOD must be loaded into the clock contained within
the radio.
The transmitter and receiver sections of the UHF
unit operate independently, but share the same
power supply and frequency control circuits. Sepa-
rate cables, route transmit and receive signals to their
respective receiver/transmitter.
The UHF command set is protected by the 7 1/2-
ampere UHF circuit breaker in the overhead circuit
breaker panel (fig. 2-6). Figure 3-2 illustrates the
UHF command set. The associated blade type
antenna is shown in figure 2-1.
b. Controls and Functions. UHF control panel
(fig. 3-2):
(1) Manual frequency selector/indicator
(hundreds). Selects and indicates hundreds digit of
frequency (2 or 3) in MHz.
Change 4