TM 55-1510-221-10
conditions. The following paragraphs give, in detail,
the instructions for proper mooring of the aircraft.
a. Mooring Provisions. Mooring points (fig.
2-33) are provided beneath the wings and tail. Addi-
tional mooring cables may be attached to each land-
ing gear. General mooring equipment and proce-
dures necessary to moor the aircraft, in addition to
the following, are given in TM 55-1500-204-25/1.
Use mooring cables of 1/4 inch diam-
eter aircraft cable and clamp (clip-wire rope), chain
or rope 3/8 inch diameter or larger. Length of the
cable or rope will be dependent upon existing cir-
cumstances. Allow sufficient slack in ropes, chains,
or cable to compensate for tightening action due to
moisture absorption of rope or thermal contraction
of cable or chain. Do not use slip knots. Use bowline
knots to secure aircraft to mooring stakes.
(2.) Chock the wheels.
Mooring Procedures for High Winds. Struc-
tural damage can occur from high velocity winds;
therefore, if at all possible, the aircraft should be
moved to a safe weather area when winds above 75
knots are expected. Moored aircraft condition is
shown in figure 2-33. If aircraft must be secured use
the following steps:
After aircraft is properly located, place
nose wheel in centered position. Head
aircraft into the wind, or as nearly so
as is possible within limits determined
by locations of fixed mooring rings.
When necessary, a 45 degree variation
of direction is considered to be satis-
factory. Locate each aircraft at slightly
more than wing span distance from all
other aircraft. Position nose mooring
point approximately 3 to 5 feet down-
wind from ground mooring anchors.
2. Deflate nose wheel shock strut to
within 3/4 inch of its fully deflated
Fill all fuel tanks to capacity, if time
4. Place wheel chocks fore and aft of
main gear wheels and nose wheel. Tie
each pair of chocks together with rope
or join together with wooden cleats
nailed to chocks on either side of
wheels. Tie ice grip chocks together
with rope. Use sandbags in lieu of
chocks when aircraft is moored on steel
mats. Set parking brake as applicable.
5. Accomplish aircraft tiedown by utiliz-
ing mooring points shown in figure
2-33. Make tiedown with 1/4 inch air-
craft cable, using two wire rope clips or
bolts, and a chain tested for a 3000
pound pull. Attach tiedowns so as to
remove all slack. (Use a 3/4-inch or
larger manila rope if cable or chain tie-
down is not available.) If rope is used
for tiedown, use anti-slip knots, such as
bowline knot, rather than slip knots. in
the event tiedown rings are not avail-
able on hard surfaced areas, move air-
craft to an area where portable tie-
downs can be used. Locate anchor rods
at point shown in figure 2-33. When
anchor kits are not available, use metal
stakes or deadman type anchors, pro-
viding they can successfully sustain a
minimum pull of 3000 pounds.
In event nose position tiedown is con-
sidered to be of doubtful security due
to existing soil condition, drive addi-
tional anchor rods at nose tiedown
position. Place padded work stand or
other suitable support under the aft
fuselage tiedown position and secure.
7. Place control surfaces in locked posi-
tion and trim tab controls in neutral
position. Place wing flaps in up posi-
8. The requirements for dust excluders,
protective covers, and taping of open-
ings will be left to the discretion of the
responsible maintenance officer or the
pilot of the transient aircraft (fig. 2-32).
9. Secure propellers to prevent windmill-
ing (fig. 2-32).
10. Disconnect battery.
During typhoon or hurricane wind con-
ditions, mooring security can be fur-
ther increased by placing sandbags
along the wings to break up the aerody-
namic flow of air over the wing,
thereby reducing the lift being applied
against the mooring by the wind. The
storm appears to pass two times, each
time with a different wind direction.
This will necessitate turning the air-
craft after the first passing. sli.After
high winds, inspect aircraft for visible
signs of structural damage and for evi-
dence of damage from flying objects.
Service nose shock strut and reconnect