TM 55-1510-220-10
AUTO and pressing TEST during align
command. A 150 right bank steering
command is furnished when the AUTO/
MAN switch is set to MAN.
FROM-TO display. Display numbers defining
waypoints of navigation leg being flown or, in the case of a
flashing display, displays TACAN station being used.
Waypoint numbers automatically change each time a
waypoint is reached. Unless flight plan changes during
flight, the automatic leg switching sequence will always be 1
2, 2 3, 3 4....8 9, 9 1, 1 2, etc.
Data selector. Selects data to be displayed in
data displays or entered into INS. The rotary selector has 10
positions. Five positions (L/L POS, L/L WY PT, UTM POS,
UTM WY PT and DSRTK/STS) also allow data to be loaded
into data display then inserted into computer memory.
TK/GS. Displays aircraft track angle in left
display and ground speed in right display.
HDG/DA. Displays aircraft true heading in
left display and drift angle in right display.
XTK/TKE. Displays cross track distance in
left display and track angle error in right display.
L/L POS. Displays or enters present aircraft
position latitude in left data display and longitude in right
data display. Both displays indicate degrees and minutes to
nearest tenth of a minute. This position also enables the
insertion of present position coordinates during alignment
and present position updates.
L/L WY PT. Displays or enters waypoint and
TACAN station data, if used in conjunction with the
waypoint/TACAN selector. This position will also cause
display of inertial present position data when the HOLD key
is illuminated.
DIS/TIME. Displays distance from aircraft to
TACAN station or any waypoint, or between any two
waypoints in left display. Displays time to TACAN station or
any waypoint, or between any two waypoints, in right display.
WIND. Displays wind direction in left display
and wind speed in right display, when
true airspeed is greater than the air data system lower limit
(115 to 400 KIAS).
DSRTK/STS. Displays desired track angle to
nearest degree in the left data display, and INS system status
in right data display.
UTMPOS. Displays or enters aircraft position
in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, with
northing data in kilometers in left display and easting data in
kilometers in right display. The extra precision display
shows meters.
UTM WY PT. Displays or enters waypoint
and TACAN station data in UTM coordinates. Also enables
loading and display of spheroid coefficients if GRID and
DISP keys are pressed simultaneously.
Dim knob. Controls intensity of CDU key
lights and displays.
switch, used to select waypoints for which data is to be
inserted or displayed. Waypoint station "0" is for display only
and cannot be loaded with usable data.
INS Normal Operating Procedures.
The following data will be required
prior to operating the INS: latitude
and longitude or universal transverse
aircraft during INS alignment. This
information is necessary to program
the INS computer during alignment
computer, always start at the left and
work to the right. The first digit
inserted will appear in right position
of applicable display. It will step to
the left as each subsequent digit is
entered. The degree sign, decimal
point, and colon (if applicable) will
appear automatically.
Preflight procedure.
Insure that cooling air is available to
navigation unit before turning the INS
Change 2 3-49