TM 55-1510-219-MTFPROCEDURETROUBLESHOOTINGREFERENCEe. Repeat procedure for right propeller.*5. Engine acceleration - Check as fol-E2,12lows:a. Left power lever - Set 64% N1, thenrapidly move lever to maximum.b. Record the time required for N1 to reach93.5%.c. Left power lever - ImmediatelyE11retard to IDLE as N1 passes through93.5%. Acceleration time should be 2.5to 4.0 seconds.*6. Engine high idle speed - Check 70E1to 73% N1.*7. Brake deice system - Check as follows:a. Power - Set 70% N1.b. Left bleed air valve switch -PNEU &ENVIRO OFF.c. Right bleed air valve switch -OPEN.d. Brake deice switch - Turn on andobserve that the BRAKE DEICE ON lightis illuminated.e. Pneumatic pressure gage -Check fora momentary pressure decrease.f. Repeat procedure for opposite bleed airvalve.*8. N1 speed switch (air conditioning) - Check as follows:2-27
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