TM 55-1510-219-MTF
Right bleed air valve switch - ENVIRO OFF.
10. Slowly retard the left power lever and record the minimum N1
speed that the left engine must be operated at to maintain the
cabin pressure differential at 6.0±.1. N1 should not exceed
85%, and the minimum desirable N1 is 80%.
11. Right bleed air valve switch - OPEN.
12. Cabin altitude controller - Set to 10,000 feet pressure altitude.
13. Cabin pressurization rate knob - Set to maximum.
14. Cabin rate of climb indicator - Read and record. Cabin rate of
descent should be between 1500 and 2500 feet per minute.
15. Cabin pressurization rate knob - Set to mid-range.
16. Cabin rate of climb indicator - Read and record cabin rate of
descent. Cabin rate of descent should be between 350 and
650 feet per minute.
17. Cabin pressurization rate knob - Set to minimum.
18. Cabin rate of climb indicator - Read and record cabin rate of
descent. Cabin rate of descent should be between 50 and
300 feet per minute.
19. Cabin altitude controller - Set.
20. Cabin rate of climb indicator Read and record cabin rate of
descent. Cabin rate of descent should be between 50 and
350 feet per minute.
21. Cabin pressurization rate knob - Set to maximum.
22. Cabin rate of climb indicator - Read and record cabin rate of
descent. Cabin rate of descent should be between 1500 and
2500 feet per minute.
23. Cabin pressurization rate knob - Set to mid-range