TM 55-1510-219-CL
6. HSI course selector - Turn to 180 and adjust slowly until the course
deviation bar is centered The bar should center between a selected
course of 178 to 182 .
7. HSI course selector - Turn the selector +10 from the setting achieved in
step 6, and check that course deviation bar is located over the far left 10
8. HSI course selector - Turn the selector +10 from the setting
9. HSI course selector - Turn the selector+10 from the setting achieved in
step 6, and check that course deviation bar is located over the far right
10 dot.
10. TO-FROM indicator - Check that TO is indicated.
11. TEST pushbutton - Release.
1. Condition levers - LOW IDLE.
2. Autofeather switch - Hold to TEST.
3. Power levers - Advance until AUTOFEATHER lights are illuminated
(approximately 22% torque).
4. #1 power lever - Retard.
a. At approximately 18% torque - #2 AUTOFEATHER light out.
b. At approximately 12% torque - Both AU, TOFEATHER lights out
(propeller starts tog feather).
5. #1 power lever - Approximately 22% torque.
6. Repeat steps 2 thru 4 for #2 engine.