Selection Of Configuration
The spray system configuration to be selected for any given spray operation is based on the definition of the
application rate and the forward speed desired. Based upon these definitions, the nozzle configurations can be selected
from the Performance Chart, Table I. This is accomplished by scanning the table across from the 1.5 blade position
setting until an application rate value nearest the desired value is found under the required forward speed column. At the
top of this column the nozzle configuration will be defined.
EXAMPLE: With a one gallon per acre application rate given and a desired forward speed of 90 knots defined, a scan
across the chart will reveal that the application rate of one gallon per acre may be obtained at 90 knots with a fifty D8-45
nozzle configuration at a blade angle position of 1.5.
The selection of nozzle configurations and windmill blade pitch angle settings are preliminary in nature and a
flight test must be performed to refine the output performance of the system with the liquid chemicals to be used before
initiating an operation. The procedure for adjusting the flow is to increase the windmill blade angle to decrease flow or to
decrease the blade angle to increase flow to that required. Retain blade angles between the 1.0 to 2.0 values and
remove or add nozzles to fulfill further adjustments that may be required. Procedures for flight testing are noted as
(1) With a known liquid quantity in the tank, conduct a
spray test for a specific time period and determine the
amount of liquid dispersed.