10), the manual suffix -10 appears on the first line and
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. The
the illustration number 1-1.1 on the second line.
Federal stock number for the item is indicated in this
(2) Item or symbol number, column,
c. Description, Column 3. The index number,
column 10b.. The callout number used to reference the
Federal item name, a five-digit manufacturer's code, an
item in the illustration is indicated in this column.
Location of Repair Parts
indenture code, and a part number are included in the
a. This manual contains three cross-reference
column. For subsequent appearances of the same item,
the manufacturer's code and part number are omitted.
indexes (sec. III, IV, and V) to be used to locate a repair
The words "same as" followed by the sequence number
part when either the Federal stock number, reference
assigned to the item when it first 4. appeared in the list
number (manufacturer's part number), figure number, or
will follow the item name; e.g. "RESISTOR, FIXED,
reference designation is known. The first column in each
cross-reference index is pre-pared, as applicable, in
codes indicate the end item, the assemblies, and the
numerical or alphanumerical sequence. The last column
component parts. Identical codes are parts of the
of each cross-reference index lists the index number
preceding higher code. An asterisk
assigned to the part.
b. Refer to the appropriate cross-reference
(*) indicates attaching parts. Model column is not
d. Unit of Issue, Column 4. The unit used as a
index para 2b, c, d) and note the index number in the
basis of issue (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc) is noted in this
last column; then refer to the repair parts list to locate
the index number which is listed in ascending order in
e. Quantity Incorporated in unit Pack, column
column I of the repair parts list.
Reference Publications
5. Not used.
Quantity Incorporate in Unit, Column 6. The
The following publications pertain to AN/TSQ-71A and
quantity of repair parts in an assembly is indicated in this
its components.
column. Subsequent appearances of the same item in
TM 11-5895-474-12
Operator and Organizational
the same assembly are indicated by the letters "REF".
Maintenance Manual:
g. Maintenance Allowances, Column 7.
Landing Control Central
(1) The allowance columns are divided
into sub-columns. Indicated in each sub-column opposite
TM 11-5895-474-20P Organizational Maintenance
the first appearance of each item is the total quantity of
Repair Parts and Special
items authorized for the number of equipments
Tools List for Landing
supported. Subsequent appearances of the same item
Control Central AN/TSQ-
will have no entry in the allowance columns but will have
a reference, in the description column, to the first
TM 11-5895-474-35
Direct Support, General
appearance of the item. Items authorized for use as
Support, and Depot
required but not for initial stockage are identified with an
Maintenance Manual for
asterisk (*) in the allowance column.
Landing Control Central
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
Federal Supply Codes
categories of maintenance will represent initial stockage
for a 30-day period for the number of equipments
This paragraph lists the Federal supply code and
associated manufacturer's name.
h. 1
00000 ........ Ordnance Corps.
Equipments/Contingency Planning Purposes, Column 8.
00624 . ...... Aeroquip Corp, Aircraft Division, Jackson
The total quantity required for distribution and
contingency planning purposes is indicated in this
02734 ........ . RCA, Defense Electronic Products
column. The range of items indicates total quantities of
05828 ........ Electronic Systems Division, General Instru-
all authorized items required to provide for adequate
ment Corp.
support of 100 equipments for 1 year.
06250 ........ Amathom Electronic Hardware Co., Inc.
Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
06556 ........ General Fire Extinguisher Corp
Equipments, column 9. This column indicates the total
Amphenol Cable Div., Amphenol-Borg
quantity of each item authorized depot maintenance for
Electronics Corp.
100 equipments.
09922 ........ Burndy Corp.
Illustrations, Column 10.
19691 ........ Crosby-Laughlin Div., American Hoist &
(1) Figure number, Column 10a. The
Derrick Co.
number of the illustration in which the item is shown, and
24248 ........ South Chester Corp., Southco Division
the maintenance-level suffix number of the technical
24930 ........ ITT Gilfillan Inc.
manual in which the illustration appears is indicated in
this column. For example, if the illustration in which the
item is shown in figure 1-13 of the operator's manual (-