Description Column. The sequence number, Federal item name, a five-digit manufacturer's code and a part
number are included in this column. For subsequent appearances of the same item, the manufacturer's code
and part number are omitted. The words "same as" followed by the group of component heading when it first
appeared in the list will follow the item name.
Unit of Issue Column. The unit used as a basis of issue, (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.) is indicated in this column.
Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack Column. Not used.
Quantity Incorporated in Unit Column. The quantity of repair parts in an assembly is given in this column.
Maintenance Allowances Column.
(1) The allowance columns are divided into subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn opposite the first
appearance of each item is the total quantity of items authorized for the number of equipments
supported. Subsequent appearances of the same item will have no entry in the allowance columns but
will have number appearances of the same item will have no entry in the allowance columns but will
have a reference in the description column to the first appearance of the item. Items authorized for use
as required but not for initial stockage are identified with an asterisk (*) in the allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for organizational level of maintenance represents one initial prescribed
load for a 15-day period for the number of equipments supported. Units and organizations authorized
additional prescribed loads will multiply the number of prescribed loads authorized by the quantity of
repair parts reflected in the appropriate density column to obtain the total quantity of repair parts
(3) Subsequent changes to organizational to the part allowances will be limited as follows: No change in
the range of items is authorized. If additional items are considered necessary, recommendations should
be forwarded to the recommendations should be forwarded to the Commanding General, U. S.
Army Electronics Command, ATTN: AMSEL-ME-NMP-AN, Fort Monmouth, N. J., 07703, for exception
or revision to the allowance list. Revisions to the range of items authorized will be made based upon
engineering experience, demand data, or TAERS information.
Illustrations Column
(1) Figure number 8A. The number of the illustration in which the item is shown, and the maintenance-level
suffix number of the technical manual in which the illustration appears is indicated in this column. For
example, if the illustration in which the item is shown is figure 1-13 of the operator's manual (-10), the
manual suffix -10 appears on the first line and the illustration number 1-13 on the second line. Refer
only to those illustrations contained in the narrative and parts list manuals on the same item of equi
ment as covered by this manual; that is, manuals with the same serial and FSC number.
(2) Item or symbol number, Column 8B. The callout number used to reference the item in the illustration
appears in this column.
Reference Publications
The following publication pertains to Landing Control Central AN/TSQ-71A and its components:
TM 11-5895-474-12
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Landing Control Central AN/TSQ-71A.
Location of Repair Parts
This manual contains three cross-reference indexes (sec. IV, V, and VI), to be used to locate a repair part
when either the Federal stock number, reference number (manufacturer's part number), figure number, or
reference designation is known. The first column in each cross-reference index is prepared, as applicable, in
numerical or alphanumerical sequence. The last column of each cross-reference index lists the index
assigned to the part.
Refer to the appropriate cross-reference (para 2c, d, e), and note the index number in the last column; then
refer to the repair parts list to locate the index number which is listed in ascending order in column 1 of the
repair parts list.
Federal Supply Codes
This paragraph lists the Federal supply code and associated manufacturer's name.
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