nance, Section III. Repair parts authorized for organizational maintenance is included in this section.
All indexes noted below are cross-referenced to index numbers. The
Index numbers appear in ascending sequence in column 3 of the repair
parts list. The index number for the particular item will be the same for
the item in all sections of this publication.
Federal Stock Number Cross-Reference to Index Number, Section IV. This is a cross-reference index of
Federal stock numbers to index numbers.
Figure and ltem Number Cross-Reference to Index Number, Section V. This is a cross-reference index of
figure number and item number (or reference designation) to index number The figure numbers are listed in
numerical sequence; item numbers and/or reference designations are listed for each figure.
Reference Designation Cross-Reference to Index Number, Section VI. This is a cross-reference index of
reference and/or item numbers to index numbers.
Explanation of Columns
An explanation of the columns is given below.
Source, Maintenance and Recoverability Codes, (SMR).
(1) Source code, column 1A. The selection status and source for the listed item is noted here. Source
codes and their explanations are as follows:
P ---
Applies to repair parts that are stocked in or supplied from the GSA/DSA, or Army supply system and authorized for
use at indicated maintenance categories.
AH --
Applies to parts which can be replaced at the organizational level, but which are assembled and repaired at the 4th
level maintenance category.
AD --
Applies to parts which can be replaced at the organizational level, but which are assembled and repaired at the 5th
level maintenance category.
X2 --
Applies to repair parts which are not stocked. The indicated maintenance category requiring such repair parts will
attempt to obtain them through cannibalization; if not obtainable through cannibalization ; such repair parts will be
G --
Applies to major assemblies that are procured with PEMA funds for initial issue only to be used as exchange
assemblies at DSU and GSU category or returned to depot supply category.
Maintenance code, column 1B. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to install the listed item is
noted here.
Organizational Maintenance
(3) Recoverability code, column 1C. The information in this column indicates whether unserviceable items should
be returned for recovery or salvage. Recoverability codes and their explanations are as follows:
R --
Applies to repair parts and assemblies which are economically repairable at DSU and GSU activities and normally
are furnished by supply on an exchange basis.
S --
Repair parts and assemblies which are economically repairable at DSU and GSU activities and which normally are
furnished by supply on an exchange basis. When items are determined by GSU to be uneconomically repairable
they will be evacuated to a depot for evaluation and analysis before final disposition.
When no code is indicated in the recoverability column the part will be considered expendable.
Federal Stock Number Column. The Federal stock number for the item is indicated in this column.
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