TM 10-6640-216-13&P
2-12. OPERATING PROCEDURES - continued.
Check thermometer reading with other thermometers in the area to ensure
they read the same.
Before a product is sampled or gaged, rinse the containers with the same
type of product to be sampled or gaged.
Never gage or sample a product in a tank if there is an electrical storm
or a source of sparks in the area. Failure to comply with this warning
could result in serious injury or death.
Conduct tests in accordance with pamphlets stored in pocket of case which
contain ASTM test methods.
The following paragraphs are used to prepare the Airmobile Laboratory for movement.
Interior. Prepare the interior of the Airmobile Laboratory for movement as follows:
Place all chemicals in their designated drawers. Ensure that caps are tight.
Place all other loose test equipment and supplies in their designated drawers.
Place cover over analytical balance and install snap clamps over case in position
over analytical balance.
Install fire extinguisher and RVP bomb shipping straps.
Drain and clean RVP bath.
Ensure that RVP bath retaining screws are tight.
Remove thermoregulator and thermometer (if installed) from RVP bath and store
both items in their designated drawers.
Empty and clean interior and exterior of oven.
Ensure that oven retaining bracket screws are tight.
Place flash point tester electric stirrer, stirrer support stand, propane bottle
electric heater and a associated parts in storage cabinet No. 6.
Ensure that flash point tester mount screws are tight.
Remove desiccant bags from desiccating cabinets and store bags in designated
Clean interior and exterior of desiccant cabinet with a damp cloth.